• An eruption of the skin, taking various names, according to itsform, or the part affected; especially, an eruption of vesicles insmall distinct clusters, accompanied with itching or tingling,including shingles, ringworm, and the like; -- so called from itstendency to creep or spread from one part of the skin to another.

    Herpes meaning & definition 1 of Herpes.

  • Something all the cool kids in High School have

    Herpes meaning & definition 2 of Herpes.

  • An STD which people are incredibly ignorant about.

    1 in 5 American adults have genital herpes, and 80% of those are not even aware of it. This means that you don't have to be a slut to have herpes! Everyone is at risk, and all it takes is one enounter to get it. You can even get it if you use a condom, because it is spread from skin-to-skin contact as opposed to through body fluids.

    Cold sores (which is oral herpes) + oral sex = potential genital herpes. 80% of people have oral herpes. You do the math.

    It is a very mild disease, just a minor skin condition. I can't blame anyone for wanting to protect themselves from it, but it is blown waaay out of proportion in society. It's not AIDS or cancer, for fuck's sake.

    Although there is no cure for herpes, infected people can have a hard time with it because of the unfair stigma that is attached to herpes in our society.

    Herpes meaning & definition 3 of Herpes.

  • the gift that keeps on giving
    cold sores on your cajones or lady parts
    one of many reasons to wear condoms
    one of the reasons you never want to hear your partner yell O

    Herpes meaning & definition 4 of Herpes.

  • Gods reminder that you fucked up

    Herpes meaning & definition 5 of Herpes.

  • A sexually transmitted disease contracted by those whose sexual arousal has taken over their nerve cells, therefore forgetting to use a condom. And since nowadays according to close-minded non-intellectuals, (which make up about 63% of the population) being a virgin makes you a loser, we have people with Herpes lying around all over the place. Just remember everyone: No glove, no love.

    Herpes meaning & definition 6 of Herpes.

  • Virus that affects either the genitilla or the Mouth. Usually visible in the mouth by red sores on the gums or lips. With the lips it is Simplex 1, if it affects the genitillia as well it is simplex 2. On a vagina it looks like red sores and on a penis its red sores pretty well everywhere.

    Herpes meaning & definition 7 of Herpes.

  • A LIFE SENTENCE for inoccent people

    Herpes meaning & definition 8 of Herpes.

  • those nasty red sores or crusty lookin red bumps near the mouth. nasty as hell. cold sores.

    Herpes meaning & definition 9 of Herpes.

  • Any of a group of virus diseases caused by herpesviruses, affecting the skin (often with blisters) or the nervous system.

    Herpes meaning & definition 10 of Herpes.

  • an infectious disease that causes painful red spots to appear on the skin, especially on the lips or sexual organs

    Herpes meaning & definition 11 of Herpes.

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