• To mix or adulterate, as liquors.The wine merchants of Nice brew and balderdash, and even mix it withpigeon's dung and quicklime. Smollett.

    Balderdash meaning & definition 1 of Balderdash.

  • A heap of utter crap

    Balderdash meaning & definition 2 of Balderdash.

  • false info

    Balderdash meaning & definition 3 of Balderdash.

  • To balderdash/balderdashed, a balderdasher
    A bully who cannot/will not admit to himself/herself that they’re bullying or allowing other people to bully.
    A balderdasher will claim that they are against bullying and therefore can’t be a bully. This type of person is often a someone who is seen as a spokesperson for anti-bullying or is a victim of bullying themselves.
    Derived from a statement made by Project Runway’s, Tim Gunn, after allegations that he bullied and/or allowed a constestant to be bullied out of the show.

    Balderdash meaning & definition 4 of Balderdash.

  • The most awesomest board game ever invented by anyone.

    Balderdash meaning & definition 5 of Balderdash.

  • n. A foot race for senior citizens.

    Balderdash meaning & definition 6 of Balderdash.

  • (bôldr-dsh)

    1. trivial nonsense

    Balderdash is one of my favorite words. though i never really use it in speech, it's what we called our band...
    suspected to have derived from the medival latin word balductum<~~ i'm not quite sure what that means but that's where it come from... supposedly... anywho one of these days you will be hearing from me and my band Balderdash in the near future... i don't doubt it at all...

    Balderdash meaning & definition 7 of Balderdash.

  • a rapidly receding hairline.

    Balderdash meaning & definition 8 of Balderdash.

  • To stick your dick in a girls ass, and having her give you a blowjob afterward

    Balderdash meaning & definition 9 of Balderdash.

  • A word to describe [pure] [nonsense] or [garbage]

    Balderdash meaning & definition 10 of Balderdash.

  • Senseless talk or writing; nonsense.

    Balderdash meaning & definition 11 of Balderdash.

  • something that is stupid or not true:

    Balderdash meaning & definition 12 of Balderdash.

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