• One of the names under which Vishnu, in his incarnation asKrishna, is worshiped by the Hindoos. [Written also Juggernnath,Jaganath, Jaganatha, etc.]

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 1 of Juggernaut.

  • The manliest state of being. Basically being able to do any of the following: chop down trees with your penis, eat rocks for breakfast and shit out gunpowder, headbutt your front door open, causing it to splinter into pieces, jump off a cliff and break your fall with your face, wrestle sharks, kill a bear with your bare hands, etc.

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 2 of Juggernaut.

  • Marvel Comics X-Men villain. Also the baddest mothafucker in the world. Have you even seen a costume like his? He'll hit you with your own pimp, pimp smack your ass, make you his hooker, and then it'll be time for him to take his prize. Do you not know who he is?

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 3 of Juggernaut.

    1. Refers to a person or machine that is unstoppable; the tank of a group.

    2. A villain from X-Men with a cone-shaped helmet.

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 4 of Juggernaut.

  • that xmen guy w/ the domelike helmet that kicks everyones ass

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 5 of Juggernaut.

  • One big ass dude with a red suit. He pwns fuckin noobs and beats the shit outta anything that moves. He must keep his big helmet on his clodostrodome for protection. Pretty much he's one bad nigga. His suit is sooo tight, the only way he can let his sweaty body breath is by fucking. He never has to wear a condom (coon) cause his suit is made out of latex.

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 6 of Juggernaut.

  • A person who is [obsessed] with [big tits]; someone who loves [knockers]; a guy who is really into [jugs].

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 7 of Juggernaut.

  • The cheapest perk in call of duty 4: modern warfare. Used by people too scared of any weapon in the game. These fags join the hated group of people who use this perk.

    Commonly used with noob tube or last stand too ensure even more gay noob like behavior

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 8 of Juggernaut.

  • Some crazy motherfucker on call of duty mw2 who is physically impossible to kill making the game increasingly frustrating.

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 9 of Juggernaut.

  • a very large, heavy truck:

    Juggernaut meaning & definition 10 of Juggernaut.

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