• The art or science of cultivating the ground, including theharvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of live stock;tillage; husbandry; farming.

    Agriculture meaning & definition 1 of Agriculture.

  • An industry that feeds all the whiny and snoby liberal arts and engineering majors. We have more job security than everybody else because people will always need to eat and wear clothes. We drink all other majors under the table, and then wake them up for shots. Agriculturalists actually have time for a social life and still get up in the morning to feed your steak before it goes to slaughter.

    Agriculture meaning & definition 2 of Agriculture.

  • When you're looking for something to major in.... Um... agriculture is a wide open field..... LITERALLY!

    Agriculture meaning & definition 3 of Agriculture.

  • A process involving a man and a women. Taking feces from the female, you smear it on her pubic region in hopes of fertilizing grass but what will you use to plow? Your teeth of course. If successfully grown, you can use slash and burn cropping to reap your rewards by burning the hair off. Put you seasons supply in a safe place, like a vagina.

    Agriculture meaning & definition 4 of Agriculture.

  • Culture for people who don't like culture. Kind of like computer culture, only more stupid stuff that no one uses.

    Agriculture meaning & definition 5 of Agriculture.

  • the art of working [400] hours/month without pay while having to [put up with] all the [whining] of the people you are trying to feed who think you are poisoning them..

    Agriculture meaning & definition 6 of Agriculture.

  • The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.

    Agriculture meaning & definition 7 of Agriculture.

  • An energy-consuming subsector of the industrial sector that consists of all facilities and equipment engaged in growing crops and raising animals.

    Agriculture meaning & definition 8 of Agriculture.

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