• An AWESOME anime about two brothers who have seemed to lost everything but still hold on. They are named Edward [Elric], The stubborn, short but older child, and [Alphonse Elric],whos soul is kept inside a suit of armour. His body was sacrificed for the attempt of bringing his(and eds, duh) mother back.
    Unfortunatly, there [transmutation] was a failure, and the price was far to great.
    The brothers are now on a search for the legendary Philosiphers Stone which is said to allow you to preform alchemy without the law of equivilant exchange. With this stone, the Elric brothers want to right their wrongs and gain their full bodies back.
    The anime series contains 51 episodes.

    Fullmetal alchemist meaning & definition 1 of Fullmetal alchemist.

  • An anime ( Japanese animation) produced by [Square-Enix] (best known for the Final Fantasy game series) , Studio BONES (known for Cowboy Bebop and [Wolfs Rain] among other things) , and Aniplex.
    The anime was based off the original manga by [Hiromu] Arakawa. However the anime and manga (at least after around episode 25 of the anime) take off on completely different storylines as wished by Arakawa herself.
    Both follow along the story of two brothers (Edward and [Alphonse Elric]) who are [alchemists], and use it as part of their every day lives. Alchemy in this series follows the law of [Touka] Koukan ([Equivalent Exchange])- you cannot gain without sacrifice. After their father walked out on them and their mother died when they were young, they attempted to bring her back using [human transmutation]. Unfortunately, it failed, resulting Ed to lose a leg and Al losing his body in exchange for the attempt, and Ed to then lose his arm when he attatched Als soul to a suit of armor. [Winry Rockbell], their childhood friend, help rebuild Edwards limbs using bionics called [automail]. It was not long after that Edward decided to become a State Alchemist and workf or the military, in order to gain the valuable research they needed to get their bodies back. Edward became the youngest State Alchemist of all time at the age of twelve when he performed a [transmutation] without a transmutation circle (a near impossible feat). During their research after Edward joined the military they came across notes of the Philosophers Stone- an alchemy amplifier that easily defies the law of Touka Koukan allowing them to gain without the sacrifice. The series continues with their search for the Stone.
    Notes- Contrary to popular belief, it is not magic and has nothing to do with Harry Potter .
    The anime was brought over and dubbed into English by FUNimation, a Texas-based studio. Theyre popular for the dubs of Dragonball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho and Fruits Basket. Currently, the series is airing on Cartoon Networks Adult Swim track.
    Hiromu Arakawas manga was brought over and translated by VIZ. The manga itself is still in progress in both countries, but you can currently find the availible translated volumes wherever you buy manga.
    Since the end of the anime series (a full 51 episodes) , a movie ( FullMetal Alchemist The Movie: The Conqueror of Shamballa , can also be found with the titles [Hagaren]: Conqueror of Shamballa, or even Shamballas Conqeuror ) , three RPG PS2 video games, one PS2 fighting game, two Gameboy Advance games, a Nintendo DS game, and several animated shorts have been released. You may also find soundtracks, DVDs, and other such merchandise for the show.
    As far as anime goes, aside from shows like Evangelion, Gundam Seed, Bleach, Naruto, and InuYasha, FullMetal Alchemist has one of the largest anime fanbases in America.
    Other names for the series are: FMA , Hagaren , [Hagane] no Renkinjutushi , and Full Metal Alchemist (alternate spelling).

    Fullmetal alchemist meaning & definition 2 of Fullmetal alchemist.

  • A kick ass anime show about the life of two brother, Edward and [Alphonse Elric], who, after their mother died, attempted to bring her back to life. Their sacrifice to [Equivalent Exchange] was not great enough, so the [Transmutation] took Edwards leg and Alphonses body. Edward then used his right arm for material and transmuted his brotehrs soul to the armor in the corner. They now seek the legendary Philospohers stone, which allows them to pass the laws of equivalence, and get their bodies back to normal

    Fullmetal alchemist meaning & definition 3 of Fullmetal alchemist.

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