• Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families Acrididæ andLocustidæ. The species and genera are very numerous. The formerfamily includes the Western grasshopper or locust (Caloptenusspretus), noted for the great extent of its ravages in the regionbeyond the Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged(Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely related species,but their ravages are less important. They are closely related to themigratory locusts of the Old World. See Locust.

    Grasshopper meaning & definition 1 of Grasshopper.

  • Term that refers to one who is a novice, a greenhorn, a student/disciple, a subordinate, or just simply ignorant.
    Has its origins from the Kung

    Grasshopper meaning & definition 2 of Grasshopper.

  • A term for someone learning from a wiser master. Often used in mockery when something is 'common knowledge' that is easily forgotten.

    This word is similar to [padwan].

    Grasshopper meaning & definition 3 of Grasshopper.

  • An individual who has the habit of hopping from one potential suitor to another. Usually for the purpose of fornication.

    Grasshopper meaning & definition 4 of Grasshopper.

  • A sexual maneuver where you pinch a woman's clit between your index finder and thumb and gently yet quickly rub your fingers back and forth like a grasshopper rubs it's legs.

    Grasshopper meaning & definition 5 of Grasshopper.

  • A plant-eating insect with long hind legs which are used for jumping and for producing a chirping sound, frequenting grassy places and low vegetation.

    Grasshopper meaning & definition 6 of Grasshopper.

  • Get the perfect phone number for your small business and turn the world into our office with the Grasshopper virtual phone system. A software product by LogMeIn

    Grasshopper meaning & definition 7 of Grasshopper.

  • a large insect with long back legs that can jump very high and makes a sharp, high noise using its back legs or wings

    Grasshopper meaning & definition 8 of Grasshopper.

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