• n. A word used by a more intellectual species of the Homo-sapian to describe weed or marijuana. These people are not potheads or stoners, they are tokers.

    Cannabis meaning & definition 4 of Cannabis.

  • the actual name of a marijuana plant

    Cannabis meaning & definition 5 of Cannabis.

  • A Plant that has been banned for nearly a century even though mankind and cannabis co-evolved. Other names include Pot, Weed, Ganja, Hash, Etc.
    The Legalise Cannabis Alliance are trying to rectify this situation.
    Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) has an estimated 25,000 uses other than it's most well known drug status.

    Cannabis meaning & definition 6 of Cannabis.

  • The one plant that could cure all of our economical, agricultural, social, and FUTURE problems. If only the big corporations would worry about their children's children instead of their bank account.

    Cannabis meaning & definition 7 of Cannabis.

  • An herb which is usually smoked to get high. Symptoms include: short-term memory loss, hightened senses, creativity, hunger, general well-being, and in some cases, hallucinations.

    Cannabis has basically no negative side-effects except mental addiction in few cases. Unlike what someone else said, YOU CANNOT DIE FROM SMOKING CANNABIS. There have been absolutely no deaths from only cannabis. I know someone who smoked 12 bowls of it in one night and just passed out drooling on the floor.

    Better than alcohol because you don't get a hangover, and plenty of people can drive very well when stoned.

    Cannabis meaning & definition 8 of Cannabis.

  • The best dam thing since sliced bread
    no flaws, no hangovers, natural sourced
    follows the same rules as jesus:
    its as good as gold but is classed as a criminal.
    only substance on drug lists that is actually a herb not a manufactured drug.
    usually smoked by people unwilling to be unrulely to society or by people who wish to experience the funnier side of more serious events
    Unfortunately given wrong impressions by shows such as hollyoaks and skins which gives the impression smoking will ruin your life.

    Cannabis meaning & definition 9 of Cannabis.

  • the english name for marijuana. Why do they call it marijuana? because they wanted to associate it with mexicans as well when they were trying to outlaw it, using racist ploys.

    Cannabis meaning & definition 10 of Cannabis.

  • 1)the plant growing in my buddies closet
    2)the theme of the website www.cafepress.com/theleaf

    Cannabis meaning & definition 11 of Cannabis.

  • a drug, illegal in many countries, that is made from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. Cannabis produces a pleasant feeling of being relaxed if smoked or eaten:

    Cannabis meaning & definition 12 of Cannabis.

  • A tall plant with a stiff upright stem, divided serrated leaves, and glandular hairs. It is used to produce hemp fiber and as a drug.

    Cannabis meaning & definition 13 of Cannabis.

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