• When a computer or other device is not turned on or connected to other devices, it is said to be offline. This is the opposite of being online, when a device can readily communicate with other devices. For example, if you try to print to your printer and you get one of those frustrating errors saying, The specified printer could not be found, the printer is probably offline. You should check to see if the printer is connected properly and, yes, turned on as well.
    Offline can also mean not being connected to the Internet. When you disconnect from your ISP or pull out the Ethernet cable from your computer, your computer is offline. Some programs, such as Web browsers and e-mail programs, have an option to Work Offline. This option disables the programs network connection, meaning no data can be transmitted to or from the computer. This option was more useful when most people used dial-up connections. They didnt want their computer automatically dialing their ISP whenever a program tried to access the Internet. However, since most people now have always on connections such as DSL and cable modems, there usually is no reason to work offline.

    Offline meaning & definition 1 of Offline.

  • What [you are] [not right] [now].

    Offline meaning & definition 2 of Offline.

  • A person who has [no idea] about anything and has never [tried] to [understand].

    Offline meaning & definition 3 of Offline.

  • A [question] that could have been answered by the person asking it, had theyve asked themselves first.

    Both [the question] is [offline] and the person!

    Offline meaning & definition 4 of Offline.

  • Not controlled by or directly connected to a computer or external network.

    Offline meaning & definition 5 of Offline.

  • (of a computer) not connected to or directly controlled by a central system, or not connected to the internet

    Offline meaning & definition 6 of Offline.

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