• sulli was an amazing girl.... i heard about what she stood up for and believed in and how she called for help and asked for help but nobody stepped up. i heard about how lonely and unhappy she was. i heard about how this beautiful girl who was once the same age as you and me , she went to school , she played with her friends , she wrote little stories as a kid and [read books]. she was no different to you and me , yet SHE had to suffer? and what for? just because some people couldnt keep their negative comments and hate to themselves? the world didnt deserve her , she deserved the world. people dont realise the impact a few words can have on somebody and they could be [walking on thin ice] already and your harsh words could be the ones that break that ice. [rest easy] angel you didnt deserve what came to you less than3

    Sulli meaning & definition 1 of Sulli.

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