• Similar to a loner, but on a larger scale. They appear to be [detached] and [emotionless], but they are still people. They have little regard for social norms. For more information, see loner.
    *note: Schizoids are NOT [schizophrenic]. The similarity in name is because they basically mean split from society and split up mind respectively.

    Schizoid meaning & definition 1 of Schizoid.

  • Denoting or having a personality type characterized by emotional aloofness and solitary habits.

    Schizoid meaning & definition 2 of Schizoid.

  • [Schizoid personality disorder] is a condition in which people avoid [social activities] and consistently shy away from interaction with others. People with the disorder are generally loners with a [profound] inability to connect with others and form personal relationships.
    In some cases, a schizoid may want above all to integrate into the social world but when they do receive the attention, they suddenly prefer to be left alone.

    Schizoid meaning & definition 3 of Schizoid.

  • [Schizophrenic]. [Deluded]. Nuts. [Whacko].

    Schizoid meaning & definition 4 of Schizoid.

  • A term used to describe people who have the personality or [act like] a schizophreniac. Usually, it is [applied] to those you simply do not understand either for how they talk or do a [specific] thing.

    Schizoid meaning & definition 5 of Schizoid.

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