• A strong male who tries he is very smart and cute he [not that] smart in school but he tries to do good he cares for his girlfriend they been through a rough [path] but he has tried harder and he loves her more in realty and he [id] a trustworthy person

    Avian meaning & definition 1 of Avian.

  • Relating to birds.

    Avian meaning & definition 2 of Avian.

  • a [naive] woman that is often found to be extremely spontaneous and therefore [irresistible] to the opposite sex; commonly desired by the opposite sex for her charm and beauty; one that is viewed as [soaring] above the competition

    Avian meaning & definition 3 of Avian.

  • Noun OR Object Refered alot in the magical community
    An Avian is a Person who has been learning to shift Wings, many people describe this as P-Shifting due to it being on the physical plane. HOWEVER, there are no sighting or records of [winged] humans in evolution or in [the present] for atleast over 200,000 years.
    If you want help on becoming a [mythical], go to many online forum sites.

    Avian meaning & definition 4 of Avian.

  • Avians are an Internet subculture, [being born] as separate branch from the furry community. Avians are similar to the [scalie] subculture for they are different from the furry community due to their larger focus on birds, gryphons, etc.
    Avians are as of current the smallest and least recognized [group out] of the three main branches of the community

    Avian meaning & definition 5 of Avian.

  • The act of [giving] a [womans] vagina a [noogie].

    Avian meaning & definition 6 of Avian.

  • of or relating to birds

    Avian meaning & definition 7 of Avian.

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