• A small word which can describe a large set of emotions, which usually can be [worry], [worried], [frightened], [scared], [paranoid], feeling [persecuted] right up to [schizophrenia]/[paranoid schitzophrenia].

    Anxiety, within reason, is just a part of life; everybody experiences at some point. It is connected to the [fight or flight] syndrome that we, as have all animals, have deep within us, enabling us to survive.

    It can become a problem when anxiety takes over most of your feelings and therefore, your life. There are many medical definitions of this state of being, such as [generalised anxiety disorder], [non-specific anxiety disorder], [persecution complex] and many more. If necessarry, there are [medications]/[drugs] available to help alleviate the symptoms and sometimes tackle the cause of these anxiety states.

    If a diagnosis does not include one of the main [mental illnesses], then it's often likely people will be prescribed one brand from a group of [benzodiazepine] drugs: The most well known of these is probably Valium. These drugs are addictive, can cause nasty side effects and long term side effects and, if used for too long can actually make the original problem worse, with [paradoxical effects]. The [withdrawal] from this drug can result in some of the worst [withdrawal symptoms] known, and can last for years.

    If prescribed a {benzodiazepine] it should be for no longer than a two week period What has become known as [talking cures] are a safer, cheaper alternative and can actually do something to help the original problem, rather than just masking it.

    In some cases, such as [paranoid schitzophrenia] drugs, usually [anti psychotics], can be of great help and allow the sufferer to live a far more 'normal' life.

    Anxiety is just a state of mind, and, even when having a [panic attack] and it feels as if you may die, emotions are not generally known to kill you.

    Anxiety meaning & definition 2 of Anxiety.

  • What Are the Types of Anxiety Disorders?
    There are several recognized types of anxiety disorders, including:
    Panic disorder: People with this condition have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. Other symptoms of a panic attack include sweating, chest pain, palpitations (unusually strong or irregular heartbeats), and a feeling of choking, which may make the person feel like he or she is having a heart attack or going

    Anxiety meaning & definition 3 of Anxiety.

  • The feeling you get when you find out what the EU is after Brexit

    Anxiety meaning & definition 4 of Anxiety.

  • The sudden feeling of having all the mistakes you made in life shoved up your pooper when you want to sleep. The longer you're alive, the longer the anxiety donger.

    Anxiety meaning & definition 5 of Anxiety.

  • Anxiety is... wait! they are watching! i can't say a word or they will kill me! if i say or do anything i am dead!

    Anxiety meaning & definition 6 of Anxiety.

  • In relation to smoking marijuana, anxiety refers to the feeling you sometimes get after excessive smoking- your mind starts to wander, your heart beats harder and faster, you need to take the occasional deep breath, your stomach feels hollow and everything around you makes you paranoid.

    Anxiety meaning & definition 7 of Anxiety.

  • [The biggest] [bitch you] will ever meet. Only thing [is its] inside your head.

    Anxiety meaning & definition 8 of Anxiety.

  • Heres my view on what anxiety is if youve never experienced it.

    Imagine hanging out with all your best friends. Youre having [the time of your life] with them, its a nice sun shiny day. Then, all of a sudden a [dark cloud] sweeps over you and all of your friends disappear and a recorder goes off in your head reminding you off horrible memories, tasks you have yet to accomplish, and insults that youve been told before.

    When you have anxiety all the fun stops immediately and all you think about is the [bad stuff].

    Anxiety meaning & definition 9 of Anxiety.

  • My home, My life, My [state of mind], And the reason [I am unable] to [function] as a human being.

    Anxiety meaning & definition 10 of Anxiety.

  • A feeling typically meant to [ruin] your life; can be compared to [Remy] in [Ratatouille] but is not there to help you in any manner.

    Anxiety meaning & definition 11 of Anxiety.

  • Something you can’t control. It just takes over your mind and you can’t [get it out]. [Overthinking]. Feeling as if you [aren]’t there. Just overall something that changes your life.

    Anxiety meaning & definition 12 of Anxiety.

  • [A life] sucking disease that can [leave you] feeling [hopeless].

    Anxiety meaning & definition 13 of Anxiety.

  • If you dont have [anxiety] then you wont understand you say you do but you dont. [Anxiety] is when you have this [little voice in your head] telling you that everyone hates you there just your friend because they feel bad for you and dont want to be rude. Its when you feel like crying every second of the day even when realy nothing is happening but that little voice wants you to think that everyone hates you. Even if you ask your friends if they hate u and they say they [dont hate] you anxiety makes you think there lying just so you wont start crying about it . It makes you always on edge.

    Anxiety meaning & definition 14 of Anxiety.

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