• Sometimes called cryogenics, It is the amazing, severely underrated science of preserving [legally dead] people in a biologically alive state until nanotechnology permits reanimation. It can now be done without brain damage thanks to formula M22 cryoprotectant. To avoid power failures, they use a highly reliable, electricity-free liquid nitrogen system. they are legally and [contractually] required to keep all patients in storage until reanimation is possible. It can be paid for by life insurance benefaction. There are two options available, the whole-body and the [neuro]. the neuro is a head-only procedure for those who trust the regenerating medicine can regenerate the neck-down body. the benefits are more careful preservation of the brain and lower cost.

    Cryonics meaning & definition 1 of Cryonics.

  • The practice or technique of deep-freezing the bodies of people who have just died, in the hope that scientific advances may allow them to be revived in the future.

    Cryonics meaning & definition 2 of Cryonics.

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