• Cervical stenosis is narrowing of the passageway through the cervix (the lower part of the uterus).

    Cervical stenosis often causes no symptoms.
    Rarely, the uterus fills with blood or pus.
    The opening of the cervix can be widened to relieve symptoms.

    In cervical stenosis, the passageway through the cervix (from the vagina to the main body of the uterus) is narrow or completely closed.
    Cervical stenosis usually results from a disorder or another condition, such as the following:

    Menopause, because the tissues in the cervix thin (atrophy)
    Cancer of the cervix or cancer of the lining of the uterus (endometrial cancer)
    Surgery that involves the cervix—for example, done to treat precancerous changes of the cervix (dysplasia)
    Procedures that destroy or remove the lining of the uterus (endometrial ablation) in women who have persistent vaginal bleeding
    Radiation therapy to treat cervical cancer or endometrial cancer

    In women who are still menstruating, menstrual blood mixed with cells from the uterus may flow backward into the pelvis, possibly causing endometriosis.
    Rarely, cervical stenosis results in an accumulation of blood in the uterus (hematometra).
    Also rarely, pus accumulates in the uterus, particularly if the cause of stenosis is cervical or endometrial cancer. Accumulation of pus in the uterus is called pyometra.

    Cervical stenosis meaning & definition 1 of Cervical stenosis.

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