• Something that means more to you than anyone could understand. Its value and worth cant be defined and youd do anything to keep it. Beautiful and delicate.

    Precious meaning & definition 1 of Precious.

  • What Gollum is after.

    Precious meaning & definition 2 of Precious.

  • a girl from any part of the world with all smiles might get angry easily but she has forgiven. she is also said to be bossy but when you read her thoughts she is not close to being bossy. she is patiently waiting for her first kiss and will get the perfect one if she does not rush into it. she can also have a dimple and when you are around a precious pls smile. she has certain principles guiding her and will be among the top three smart people in her class. wishes she could speak spanish.siempre tienen una sonrisa en torno a un PRECIOSO. she is also really pretty.

    Precious meaning & definition 3 of Precious.

  • Usually a person a female pursuasion, with high maintenece qualities.

    Also refered to as Daddies little girl or Princess by peers.

    Needs, wants and expects everything NOW!!

    Precious meaning & definition 4 of Precious.

  • Gollums birthday present. It came to him. His own, his precious.

    Precious meaning & definition 5 of Precious.

  • Watching my 18-year-old roommate laughing out loud at the Lion King and singing along to every song.

    Precious meaning & definition 6 of Precious.

  • Thanks to the movie, is now a derogatory term for any overwieight/ obese girl.

    Precious meaning & definition 7 of Precious.

  • Absolutely perfect in every way.

    Precious meaning & definition 8 of Precious.

  • A cute amazing young lady

    Hot/pretty girl
    Nice to every single person
    Love candy.

    Precious meaning & definition 9 of Precious.

  • Of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly.

    Precious meaning & definition 10 of Precious.

  • Very cute, charming and [sexy lady]. Loves to smile and laugh. There’s no [dull] moment around her. Very caring, goofy and playful. Has really big dreams. Help her grow and she will never forget you. Precious loves LOVE. And she goes to give up on love, people or her dreams easily. Let’s not leave the point that she can also be a [pain in the ass]

    Precious meaning & definition 11 of Precious.

  • [Precious] is a loving,caring and understanding person, loves to help when they can,beautiful and unique,when [precious] loves,it is real, the type of person you want to spend your forever with, even if precious has [flaws] [mostimes],tends to work on them when corrected,precious keeps their words,you can help but just find a Precious in your life

    Precious meaning & definition 12 of Precious.

  • A very sweet, smart and [humble] girl who rarely gets [in trouble]. She is someone who will never let no one be talking bout you behind your back but is good in keeping [secrets] when not about those she cares about. Although she rarely gets in trouble she does gets in fights with others because most of them hate her. Precious is a really fun and exciting person to hang around and once you get to know her you will never wanna let her go.

    Precious meaning & definition 13 of Precious.

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