• Product mistakenly used under the unfortunate impression that it will improve the environmental condition of the female nether-regions. In fact, the vagina is a self-cleaning organ and use of this product may hinder the good bacteria naturally present whose job it is to maintain a state of cleanliness. Should the vagina show signs of infection which would potentially lead to the mistaken impression that douching would be a good idea (unpleasant smell, etc.), one should seek professional medical treatment because they probably have some sort of an infection which can be cleared up properly with medication.

    Douche meaning & definition 3 of Douche.

  • Literal - A liquid concoction used for sanitizing and cleaning the female nether regions.
    Actual - (Adj) A person who is a waste of oxygen; an idiot. Also used to describe a male / female (N) that wont let you run your game. To act in a ridiculous manner; embarassing (V)

    Douche meaning & definition 4 of Douche.

  • Pronounced doosh

    *Vaginal cleaning item.
    *An offense-purpose word toward a person.

    Douche meaning & definition 5 of Douche.

  • An obnoxious bastard who mooches off of family and friends and is a complete and total ass to everyone.
    Will use flattery and any other means possible to get a girl;
    and learn how to play parts of songs on the guitar to attract girls. Their interests change depending on the girl they date or hang out with. Music is a good example of such interest changes. They will often listen to pop or rap if the girl enjoys it. Girls seemed oddly attracted to this charade.
    Often laugh at others misfortunes reguardless of its severity. Is often a [cock blocker] even if the tactics used will hinder their own chances of getting a girl. Must always be the center of attention even if it means doing something socially awkward.
    Sometimes makes jokes in a loud voice to draw attention to themselves. Talks loudly and in a different tone to assert that he knows a lot about a specific topic.
    Occasionally they will sing along to songs on the radio and look at others riding with them to make sure they are paying attention to the fact that they are singing.
    They are often white males and are stereotyped for wearing popped collars but this fashion is rarely seen. They most often wear a hat in an unconventional way (Such as: backwards, to one side, slightly to one side, or obnoxiously worn on one side of the head, appearing to be barely stable) Being a douche is not limited to just males.
    In short a douche is a living contradiction!

    Douche meaning & definition 6 of Douche.

  • 1)The French word for shower.
    2)The English word for what you do to horribly dirty pussies.

    Douche meaning & definition 7 of Douche.

  • A) A person who is a complete ignorant dick who thinks that they cannot be wrong.

    B)A person that talks too much shit and cant back it up.

    C)Someone who is a unnecessary tough-guy all the time.

    Douche meaning & definition 8 of Douche.

  • One who is [douchey] -- a self-promoting asshole who contributes nothing to the world. Tool. Loser

    Douche meaning & definition 9 of Douche.

  • A shower of water.

    Douche meaning & definition 10 of Douche.

  • The [second stage] of [being a dick] between asshole and [jerk]

    Douche meaning & definition 11 of Douche.

  • Something presented as helpful and beneficial for women when in fact its [wholly] unnecessary and can cause more problems [down the line]. Alternately, a person who might be described in a [roughly] similar way.

    Douche meaning & definition 12 of Douche.

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