• a bitch

    Beta male meaning & definition 3 of Beta male.

  • In the animal kingdom, the alpha male is the dominant member of the community. He’s like a cartoon caveman, commanding deference. The betas are wingmen, collaborative and conciliatory. In human terms, betas make the best mates. They do more in the house, and probably in the bedroom, because they know how to hasten the greater good. The beta has poetry in him, and a touch of youthful idealism. He’s sure of who he is, and not constantly trying to prove his value in materialistic terms. (Alpha: Your expensive car doesn’t make you interesting.) The beta can earn a lot of money, or a little, but the money’s not the thing; he profits because he works well with others.
    There’s something rebellious about the beta male; he challenges the social order rather than succumbing to it. The beta male doesn’t buy in to the basest stereotypes about male behavior, and that’s hugely sexy.

    Beta male meaning & definition 4 of Beta male.

  • A man who is content with nontraditional gender roles; i.e., he is not threatened by intelligent and/or powerful women, and he does not have to be in control of every situation to maintain his sense of self. (Frequently, he does manifest a quiet kind of confidence and control over his surroundings, but its not important to him that this is noticed by others.)
    A beta male is often introverted, intelligent, and introspective. Though he may have been branded a nerd growing up, the adult beta is frequently a thoughtful, capable, and fascinating individual whom many women find appealing.
    Alpha males, especially those of lesser intelligence and abilities, tend to feel threatened by beta males, who are increasingly preferred by women in modern times.

    Beta male meaning & definition 5 of Beta male.

  • To be a bitch like male

    Beta male meaning & definition 6 of Beta male.

  • A follower. Usually tries to pass himself off as a macho alpha male, but in reality is just covering for insecurities about their masculinity and/or sexuality. EXTREMELY AFRAID TO BE THEMSELVES, and never really learned how to be an individual or think for themselves. Tend to adhere to cliches, and do what everyone else is doing.
    Betas roam in packs to cover for insecurities or inadequacies which are often related to small penis size, inability to get it up, bring a woman to orgasm, or else repressed homosexual drives. Mating behavior normally consist in preying on weaker females, and they usually only get laid by drugging and raping their victims.
    Usually operates at a 5th grade (or lower) reading level and frequently reverts to grade school bully mentality when challenged by someone with greater intellectual prowess. Should they be able to get into college they usually join frats and major in business or another such facile major. Often an advocate for mens rights, the patriarchy, or anything backwards. They are especially attracted to misogynist or fascist ideologies.
    THE BETA FEEL ESPECIALLY THREATENED BY STRONG WOMEN, try to make themselves feel more superior by degrading women, minorities, males who refuse to conform to their bullshit, or anyone different than them. Tends to constantly try to assert their superiority (in an attempt to trick others into thinking theyre really alphas) when threatened, in inappropriate situations, or randomly for no apparent reason.

    Beta male meaning & definition 7 of Beta male.

  • A bullshit subclass of men invented by so-called alpha males to classify anybody whos not spending 99.9% of their waking hours working out and practicing pick-up lines that they will later use on unsuspecting women. A beta male is someone who sucks up to females , known in the real-world as RESPECTING women and their rights and if in a couple are cock-blocking better men (read: I have abs and backnea ARGH!) .
    In other words , alpha males are compensating for their lack of real personality by making up the notion that they are on top of men who are perfectly good people but are not paragons of male beauty.

    Beta male meaning & definition 8 of Beta male.

  • The type of guy who doesnt flex, attempt to demonstrate his self worth in obnoxious or superficial ways, but instead exercises real life control; without announcement, or for the sake of publicity.
    The type of guy who gets lots of pussy quietly. This is because he is usually more intelligent and more sophisticated than the average alpha male and therefore is more strategic in pursuing his goals- short and long-term.
    If a beta male is particularly good looking, or charismatic he is usually, is primed to be a babe magnet as this combined with the previous make for an intriguing and alluring character for women. for this type of super-beta male, It is ironically common for them to fuck the sister, cousins or girlfriends of well known alpha males in smaller social circles. Because of to the secretive and reclusive nature of the beta. The beta is able to away with this because hes smart enough to keep his mouth shut, and move stealthy though out a social circle while the alphas pride themselves on announce their sexual aversions openly.
    For example, most people would classify the spy 007 (James Bond) of as an Alpha male , but when looking more closely at his traits and attributes he and most stealth assassins are defiantly Betas
    another illustration: Due to the alpha males overly aggressive nature Alpha males are most likely to become a pimps, while beta males more smooth and laid back nature make them more poised to be more of a players.

    Beta male meaning & definition 9 of Beta male.

  • Someone who lacks the masculinity of an [alpha male]. They are unconfrontational and are unable to [assert] [male dominance].

    Beta male meaning & definition 10 of Beta male.

  • A [beta male] is a man who lacks masculine energy and adopts feminine characteristics, often faces problems or confrontations [passive] aggressively. A beta male is often taken advantage due to his nice guy [persona].

    Beta male meaning & definition 11 of Beta male.

  • Bay-tuh may-ul: An XY chromosome hominid without dominant gender expressions. Generally shorter, smaller, and less imposing than their larger, and more aggressive, Alpha counterparts. Often found in occupations and roles that require [no spine] or [testicular fortitude]. A liberal male. Sometimes camouflaged with alpha clothing or verbal expressions but lacking in true male behavior (sometimes confused with a lesbian or an XX feminist). An [urbanite] or hipster-Democrat.

    Beta male meaning & definition 12 of Beta male.

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