• Alexandria library software is customizable, easy-to-use, accessible from any device on any browser, and comes with 24/7 support! A software product by COMPanion

    Alexandria meaning & definition 1 of Alexandria.

  • The chief port of Egypt; population 4,084,700 (est. 2006). Founded in 332 BC by Alexander the Great, it was a major center of Hellenistic culture, renowned for its library and for the Pharos lighthouse.

    Alexandria meaning & definition 2 of Alexandria.

  • Beautiful and Intelligent girl loves some sports but not all. Has lots of friends has beautiful hair. Doesnt get jealous very easily, looks for the best in everything doesnt have a [bitchy] attitude the most [beautiful person] you will ever [lay] eyes on every guy wants her but if she already has one then he knows never to let her go I would love to be a Alexandria

    Alexandria meaning & definition 3 of Alexandria.

  • A crazy but [fun girl],loves her friends unconditionally but if u in any way leave her out or do something bitchy to her makes her feel unwanted or used.
    Alexandria (Alex for short) is a beautiful girl,can be a bit stupid on times but is very intelligent in who and what she chooses to [befriend] or to use.
    Alexandria is a [hard one] to get,when u get her don’t let go cause u may or may not get her back.

    Alexandria meaning & definition 4 of Alexandria.

  • [Defender] of mankind, or Protection from Alexander. Beautiful and powerful. Truly one of a kind in everything she does; center of attention; is always right; will always be there to help others in need; [vibrant] and healthy with a body that puts [other women] to shame. Once she is a part of your life, you will NEVER be the same.

    Alexandria meaning & definition 5 of Alexandria.

  • they are beautiful and intelligent. they love sports like basketball, soccer, [cheerleading], volleyball. they have lots of friends and has beautiful hair. they dont get jealous easily. they dont have bad attitudes. never let her go when you date one. they love attention. they can also be super friendly. they are creative. they are the leader of [the pack]. not easily to put down. they are smart and arent scared of anything. they also love to stay healthy and keep [in good shape] of there body. if you date one you are lucky because she will change your life in a good way. guys will follow her everywhere so make sure you tell them to back off if your her bf because they could take her easily if they wanted to.

    Alexandria meaning & definition 6 of Alexandria.

  • [A good friend] who [ca] help you with anything and a very beautiful person.You can always [rely] on her at all times.

    Alexandria meaning & definition 7 of Alexandria.

  • Shes one of the strongest people youll ever meet. She is the most patient and caring person you could ever meet. She deserves more than she has, so [spoil] her. She is the most beautiful person youll ever meet. She is worth every second of your time, and youll never regret [staying up] all night with her. Shell change your life [Without you] even knowing .She can make you smile just by smiling herself. You could talk for days about how amazing she is. When you dont see them for a while you may [go insane]. Once you get to know her, youll feel protective of her. She is nice to people who deserve it. She has random [bi-polar] moments that make her that much better. You could talk to her for hours about anything with her. And miss her as soon as you [hang up]. Can give a bitchy attitude and be very stubborn. Only gets jealous because she cares. [One way] or another, she finds a way to keep you out of trouble. She will always say something negative about her appearance even though she always looks beautiful. Always remind her she is beautiful.She wont admit at first, but she is like every other person and has problems, and just needs someone to talk to.You will never be able to describe her because there is so much to talk about. If you ever meet an Alexandria keep her close. Shes is worth everything. Youll want to be with her forever. She will be your best friend and [your world]. Don’t take that for granted she will always be there for you.

    Alexandria meaning & definition 8 of Alexandria.

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