• The application of the healing art to mental diseases.

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 1 of Psychiatry.

  • the [defective] byproduct of the weak [minded] and [phenomenology]

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 2 of Psychiatry.

  • [Racketeering]; A brainwashing cult. If you knew you could lose rights by seeing a psych. prof., you would have to be a fool to see one; well you can lose rights by seeing a psych prof., even your right to vote.
    If a patient tells his doctor the medicine isnt working, it is increased (along with its unpleasant painful side effects) until the patient sings the [medicines] praises out of the fear of death and suicide caused by and wholly related to the medicine. Indirect death threats is how psychiatrist subdue, intimidate people. (a listed side-effect of anti-psychotic medication, [Haldol], is death.) Sure lots of patients die of related strokes, murders, suicides, and side-effects, but these expendable people are [acceptable losses] in the war for [psychiatry]. Psychs deliberately anger patients, who then stressfully suppress their rage making them seem ill. Unlike prison sentences, psych treatments are administered [indefinately] to cause fears and anger in the patients; causing episodes that get used to justify psychiatry and boost stock revenues. The goal of psychiatry is to cause worry, anger and confusion and treat. The med related deaths serve to help the psych mob intimidate and make their patients seem so sick they have to take life-threatening medicine by force to treat imbalances cause by genes they might have. This is a form of racism, but is called scientific progress by freedom hating psychs. [Psychiatry] Psucks, but dont worry about it, lest. . .

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 3 of Psychiatry.

  • A profession that is seemingly obsessed with enforcing the [status quo]. Genuine emotional understanding, empathy, and deep interactions have been replaced by some supposedly objective science; a mere attempt to ignore [the talent] that some have with relating to others and [medicalize] emotions. Whether a person has a disorder or disease is not determined by whether someone has a visible ailment that has a specific biological cause, but by a system of observed behaviors that can wildly vary from [psychiatrist] to psychiatrist.
    Many people trust the field of [psychiatry] simply because it involves doctors. People in modern society have been taught to believe anything that the man in the white lab coat says, regardless of whether he or she is actually a doctor.
    [Psychiatry] is also involved in prescribing huge quantities of often dangerous drugs; though for some they do blunt or [alleviate] symptoms (about as good as alcohol), many experience positive effects only in the vein of [placebo], or experience only negative effects. This, however, does not mean that the drugs actually CURE anything. [Psychiatric] drugs are supposed to work by building up in your bloodstream, which is a way to convince patients that they are receiving legitimate treatment, and is nothing short of a complete lie. Most of this happens because of [pharmaceutical] company involvement. Most research is horribly [skewed] to promote the companies drugs, as the variables are EXTREMELY subjective, i.e. a rating scale for depression.
    All in all, most psychiatrists are not evil, just controlled by a few money obsessed individuals who would rather enforce the status quo; hence blind leading the blind. Some psychiatrists do desire to change the field, but have a hard time getting through the system if they dont shut up and try to think for themselves. Many professionals in the field are arrogant because they have been taught to believe that they can understand others well by essentially wasting time learning [utter nonsense] in university. There has never been proof of mental disorders originating from biochemical factors or any genetic chemical imbalance, but psychiatry dangerously takes the technical reality that biochemical/genetic factors are involved in everything in our lives and takes the huge logical leap to the idea that we end up miserable BECAUSE something goes wrong [in the brain]. The reality is the opposite. The brain adjusts to negative circumstances just as it does to positive, and a change of circumstances coupled with emotional healing will always be more effective than any kind of psychiatry/[placebo effect]. People just dont have the patience, and those at the top are not willing to admit that the cause of all this suffering is a poor status quo combined with rigid enforcement of such norms, and [materialism] gone rampant.
    Critics of psychiatry are sometimes intelligent, but sometimes include idiots like Tom Cruise. Avoid them at all costs. Unfortunately, people like him have given anti-psychiatry a bad name, even if his basic premise may have some merit.

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 4 of Psychiatry.

  • Here are some examples from [Mental Health Hotline].
    If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.
    If you are [co-dependent], please ask someone to press 2 for you.
    If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.
    If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line
    so we can trace your call.
    If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to the
    [mother ship].
    If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you
    which number to press.
    If you are a manic-depressive, it doesnt matter which number you press, no
    one will answer.
    If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969696.
    If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the pound key until a
    representative comes on the line.
    If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, telephone number,
    date of birth, social security number, and your mothers maiden name.
    If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, s-l-o-w-l-y

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 5 of Psychiatry.

  • [Psychiatry] is [pseudoscience] (fake) and a waste of money in society. It serves to control people, like religion, feeding them lies and [absolute bullshit] that they are expected to believe. A bane of our times. A dangerous medical field that relies on drugging and torturing normal people for no reason at all. Psychiatry no doubt is an evil endeavor, a pointless proposition and a total travesty. Psychiatrists are the evil minions of the whatever hell-spawn you believe in. A movement is under way to free peoples minds: anti-psychiatry, a growing grassroots movement to rid the world of anyone who thinks mental illnesses actually exist.
    Contrary to a previous definition, people who hate [psychiatry] probably have never had a mental illness since mental illness isnt even real.

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 6 of Psychiatry.

  • A medical [specialization] satanized by people who have nothing to talk about and/or write self-help books. Usually they need mental [counseling] themselves, they just dont have the IQ required to know who a good psychiatrist is.
    Usually people who are against psychiatry and [psychiatric] medications have never suffered from a major mental disorder, so SHUT THE F**K UP

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 7 of Psychiatry.

  • The study and treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbance, and abnormal behavior.

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 8 of Psychiatry.

  • the part of medicine that studies mental illness

    Psychiatry meaning & definition 9 of Psychiatry.

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