• [A rubber] piece attached to a plastic thing that babies suck and chew on.
    [Ravers] also wear them with [flashing lights].

    Pacifier meaning & definition 1 of Pacifier.

  • A person or thing that pacifies someone or something.

    Pacifier meaning & definition 2 of Pacifier.

  • “[pacifiers]” : boys you hook up with and in the morning and/or during they are really cute and nice to you. They are [cool and good] looking and you think its all going great but then it either only either happens once or they [cut it off] by saying nothing and you’re confused and you want to hate them and want to be like ASSHOLE but you can’t because THEY ARE SO NICE to you and everyone.

    Pacifier meaning & definition 3 of Pacifier.

  • A man who Pacifies, A sense in which he want [Peace] and [intend] to [preach it] in others mind.

    Pacifier meaning & definition 4 of Pacifier.

  • New Zealand rock band formerly known as [shihad].
    Changed name from shihad to pacifier due to the name sounding too much like jihad (holy war) [post 9/11]
    see [Shihad]

    Pacifier meaning & definition 5 of Pacifier.

  • [Another word] for the [wang] or [penis].

    Pacifier meaning & definition 6 of Pacifier.

  • A woman is to a cock like a baby is to [a pacifier]: they cry, whine, and always want something and sometimes you just have to [whip it out] and shove it in their mouth to shut them up, and they love it! They could [suck on that] thing for hours...

    Pacifier meaning & definition 7 of Pacifier.

  • When youre fucking and change positions so that your dick gets pulled out of the hole youre using. To successfully get a [Pacifier], you usually have to have, a big dick head, a [tight hole], or be at an angle when you pull out. One, or any combination of the three, make a loud popping sound when you pop out. On The Simpsons, when [Maggies] [pacifier] gets taken out, listen for the POP!

    Pacifier meaning & definition 8 of Pacifier.

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