• A perversion of the established title given to the early Italian and Irish mafias, used haphazardly today as a self-described social label on mostly young people, generally black, in a far-flung game of make believe. These gangstas being entirely incapable of coming up with original ways of finding their identity, like to adopt Italian names from famous mafia movies as well as Italian mobster clothing. (I.e. Irv Gotti, who should have been killed for the affront to the Gotti family of the 90s, and the claim of 99% of moolies, or blacks, that The Godfather is their favorite movie (if not Scarface)). This is when, in fact, the mafia and its gangsters were built around organized crime of racketeering, protection, and highly intricate systems of providing what the people want while benefiting the immediate community, as well as adhering to codes of honor established in medieval Italy. Blacks consider wildly running around in ridiculously baggy clothing, listening to music that has to bearing on reality, and selling crack because its cool while refusing to allow themselves to climb up in society, like the Italian mobsters wanted their children to be able to do, as gangsta. It is a disgrace to everything the mafia established.

    Gangsta meaning & definition 3 of Gangsta.

  • Something that it is NOT good to be, despite people seeming to think so. Basically, this generally refers to people forced into a harsh life due to their low socio-economic status, who probably feel forced by circumstances beyond their control to live a certain lifestyle and commit crimes to get by.
    As far as I can say, any real gangsta would either be dead, or in jail serving a life sentence for murder. People like to praise gangstas, but whats praiseworthy about commiting murder?? I dont think that committing crimes is a prerequisite of gangstaness. If gangsta is to be used as a positive term, it should be used to describe people who successfully and legally make their way out of the ghetto and improve their status in life. We should pity those who live in dangerous areas and constantly have to watch their backs, but we should not praise them for committing crimes.

    Gangsta meaning & definition 4 of Gangsta.

  • Theres nothing cool about being a gangsta. It aint cool to pose in front of the camera with a gun in your hand pretending to come from an environment you know nothing about. Especially if youre a White boy from the Suburbs. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a complete moron with that rag top over your paled-out face? Yes, a mutant buffon who generates hysterical laughter, amongst the real criminals of this world. Not only are you a disgrace to the Caucasian race, but the human race too.
    On a personal note: I know people who have been shot at. I have friends who have died on the streets. Theres nothing cool or hard about that. Do you think the people who live in the projects and have lost a relative/friend to gunplay are going to look up to a gangster? No. As much as you want to believe that gangbangin is a tough career move, it aint worth shit in my opinion. It doesnt help much when you have guys like 50 Cent around either. Here is a man who endorses reckless violence and immoral animalism amongst todays youth. His gangsta posturing fulfils the stereotypical image, in which every Black man in America is trying to get away from. His bad ass roleplaying is responsible for perpetuating the already grim reality of black-on-black violence in America. All that talk about killing a motherfucker like it aint no thang is nothing but a fucked up tool, which corporate record companies like to sell off for stupid, young, impressionable surburnanite teens who dont know the first thing about living in a harsh, dangerous environment like Compton or St. Louis. Im sure even less have actually experienced the sudden murder of a young relative or friend . Because heres the reality: when someone you knows dies, its not like in the movies. You can talk all you want about street credibility but dont say shit if all you know about the hood is what youve seen on the cinema screen or listened to on your stereo system. When somebody gets shot, they dont struggle for air and say something witty and dramatic before they go... they just fall on the ground, shit their pants, and have their brains gone to the back of their fucking heads. But hey, I guess that would be considered cool and gangsta in your little make-believe world, right?
    Stop the Violence, Increase the Peace.
    Gone but not Forgotten...
    O.J.(1979 - 1996)
    Sly Dee.(1987 - 2005)
    Lil Curb aka Kayon Williams.(1985-1999)
    Marvin R. (1982 - 2005)


    Gangsta meaning & definition 5 of Gangsta.

  • a person who is glorified for hurting people.
    even in a thousand years this will still not make any god damn sense.

    Gangsta meaning & definition 6 of Gangsta.

  • Real Gangsta - someone who lives in the projects, is ususally in a gang, not very wealthy--often, but not always, black

    Fake Gangsta - most males who attend North Warren (thank god i dont go there anymore). White kids from a rural town who listen to so much rap that they think theyre black, act like they slang dope all the time, and would have no idea what to do if in a real projects. Yet, they still think theyre hardcore gangstas.

    Gangsta meaning & definition 7 of Gangsta.

  • Glorified dumbshits with 9 mils, yet type of person rich white kids across america wish to emulate. Characterized by inability to:

    Hold a gun

    Hit anybody but kids with said gun

    Speak a real language

    Have any commen sense

    Treat women or themselves with any sort of respect

    Wear clothing

    Gangsta meaning & definition 8 of Gangsta.

  • poser, 99% of the people that say they are gangstas are not.
    just because you wear a certain couple colors and do some stupid shit with your fingers like spelling out BLOOD doesnt make you a gangsta. it makes you look like a deaf person that is color coordinated. but obviously has lost his/her belt. what makes people want to be a gangsta? its because they believe that they can live above the law....you know there arent very many smart criminals in jail...most are gangstas and are wasting their lives away in a cell because they chose the lazy way out. isntead of doing things like o...umm ... say learning how to READ they learned how to slap a ho instead of getting an honest job they would rather just sell some drugs to the neighbor kids, instead of learning how to read so they could get a good paying honest job so they could go buy a tv or a car they learn how to take it from people that did learn how to read got an honest good paying job and bought their own tv or car. AND!!!! on top of all this they, (gangstas), think for some reason that this makes them hard. ignorance is bliss i suppose. anyone can steal a tv or a car or sell something that they stole not anyone can get a job and pay for it. only people that arent gangsta enough. The ONLY i repeat ONLY people on the planet that you will find bragging about how uneducated they are are GANGSTAS THE ONLY PEOPLE in the world you will find BRAGGING about bad their life is is a gangsta.
    taking the th out of THAT and replacing it with a d does NOT make you a gangsta. it makes you sound like you have a newly discovered speech impediment.
    making the windows shake in all the houses you drive by because of the speakers you got from a trade for 8 car stereos you stole from your high-school parking lot does NOT make you a gangsta. it makes you go deaf...which could explain all those weird finger things you gangstas do all the time.
    going to 3 different malls to find the biggest red shirt in tulsa oklahoma does not make you a gangsta. it simply means you have never heard of BIG and TALL
    wheels that are worth more than your car and that also degrade the performance of that car does not make you a gangsta. it makes your cutlass looke like a 4x4... thats not very gangsta
    rap and hip hop artists arent gangstas they are rich rich rich business men who just happen to make a little noise that idots bounce around too.
    if you smoke weed that doesnt make you a gangsta. it just means you have less brain cells than the rest of us...dont worry we already know...it shows.
    killin someone because they wore blue and you like red soesnt make you a gansta. it makes you a cold blooded murderer.
    the word gansta/gangster has changed so dramatically over the last 90 years or so. it has gone from someone that litterally struck fear in the eyes of the general public to an adjective used to describe a bunch of playstation generation, earphone wearin, never had a whippin by their daddy cuz they never knew him, bunch of kids that listen too ;and play some of the worst noises ever to be called music in the history of time.
    what is gangSTA??? a music industry induced pop culture term loosely defining a lower class generally black social reject. that society has shat upon and now its his sole purpose in life to make his own life worse by worsening the conditions around him. and then making everyone feel bad for his own mistakes and lack of will power and low morale stature. ok im done bitchin now

    Gangsta meaning & definition 9 of Gangsta.

  • A thug who affects roughness, partakes in crime, and hangs out with others in his gang. The purpose of his behaviour and affected image is to make him feared and powerful, and to earn him respect from his peers who are also involved in crime. He typically has a specific dress code, social code, and vernacular to identify him with his gang. Moreover, he often relies on drugs to induce or augment his rash behaviour. He is, in short, a feared idiot.

    The word gangsta is also used by clowns who imitate real gangstas and who are equally stupid.

    Gangsta meaning & definition 10 of Gangsta.

  • Younger males (and for some unknown reason, a couple slutty females) who create a certain image for themselves. By wearing oversized clothing and shoes, walking with a swag (usually because their pants are falling off) and mutilating the English language every step of the way, they believe they acquire street cred.
    The sad reality is that these people have never seen anything scarier than their [mommas] bra, or their own faces in the mirror. They congregate with like-minded individuals hoping to intimidate. Very few of them are actually affiliated with something criminally-inclined, such as petty theft.
    See, theres two types of [Gangstas].
    Type one is [the originals], the old school freaks with high morals. You dont fuck with these, but they usually wont start with you. They take part in organized crime, and try and better the community. These are Gangsters, the actual kind, and theyll never go around yelling theyll [pop a cap] in [yo ass] - theyll just pull out an AK and mow you down, silently, without emotion. Theyre usually very, very patient people though.
    Type two: Gangsta. [Yo WORD] UP G! Weve all seen these G-unit clowns who form a gang with their [gangbanger] faggot friends and go around trying to prove something. They need to be reassured every step of the way that they are indeed Gangsta and tough.
    They steal candybars, wallets and the occasional cellphone. They might, after 10 years, get one gun and two bullets for the entire gang, then [shoot some] punk just to prove they can. Low-lives is too grand a term for these fags. Best part is, not a single one of them can fight for shit.

    Gangsta meaning & definition 11 of Gangsta.

  • Perhaps the most successful personal image marketed to this day. Millions upon millions of brainless youths have spent billions upon billions in order to look and pretend to be part of the Gangsta crew. Everything from music to fashion has been collecting dump trucks full of cash off silly kids who are desperate to be something they are not. The [standard uniform] for a typical gangsta includes: one silly looking giant baseball cap, worn any way except facing forward. Theyre really rebellious you see. One giant basketball jersey that you may at first mistaken for a dress. One pair of jeans that are normally [tailored] for clowns. These loose-fitting jeans are not accompanied with a belt. And, one pair of sneakers.
    It is not enough for you to run out and buy their uniform, however, you must also purchase subs for your car and the appropriate sounding music to fit your new image. (More money) Your car should also be pimped out ideally. (More money)
    All of this money is dumped into APPEARING to be a [real gangsta], of which maybe a few [hundred thousand] really exist, and in a few American urban centers only. A great majority of these gangstas live in middle to upperclass [suburbanite] homes and have no idea what the real life of the people they are trying to emulate is truly like.

    Gangsta meaning & definition 12 of Gangsta.

  • a type of rap music that is about life in the poor parts of cities, especially violence and drugs

    Gangsta meaning & definition 13 of Gangsta.

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