• A kind of German biscuit or cake in the form of a twisted
    ring, salted on the outside.

    Pretzel meaning & definition 1 of Pretzel.

  • The act of sitting close to a person, side-by-side, but facing opposite directions, and interlocking one arm each to form a pretzel.
    This could be considered a prequel to cuddling, since resting your head on their shoulder, [nuzzling], and tracing your fingers over their arm, etc. is acceptable, and expected.
    On [the base system] it would be before first base; and on the [snogging scale] it would be an approximate 2.5.

    Pretzel meaning & definition 2 of Pretzel.

  • An [imminent] threat. Has [struck] once. Failed. Will [strike] again.

    Pretzel meaning & definition 3 of Pretzel.

  • a trick in freestyle skiing in which the [skiier] approaches a rail and jumps and spins [270] degrees in one direction and lands, sliding the length of [the rail] and then stops thier momentum and throws it back the other direction and spins the opposite way 270 degrees and stomps it...

    Pretzel meaning & definition 4 of Pretzel.

  • a pretzel is a salty, sometimes chocolate covered snack food made of crisscrossing [dough]. also a highly dangerous terrorist weapon used in an [assassination attempt] on the 43rd president George [Dubya] Bush.

    Pretzel meaning & definition 5 of Pretzel.

  • Top-secret [Iraqi] [tactical] [assault weapon].

    Pretzel meaning & definition 6 of Pretzel.

  • a male who, upon a post-hookup [facebook check] or upon hearing comments from witnesses of said [hookup], turns out to be somewhat less attractive than one originally thought; often characterized by [the taste] of a pretzel.

    Pretzel meaning & definition 7 of Pretzel.

  • Snack food that can be in either hard or soft form, depending on what you like. Usually shaped in a [knot], but can also be in rod form.

    A [secret weapon] of [Al-Qaeda] and other terrorist organizations, although there have been no immediate fatalities yet.

    Pretzel meaning & definition 8 of Pretzel.

  • [A snack] food that almost killed [George Bush], whilst we spend millions of dollars to protect him.

    a.k.a. The reason behind [Operation Iraqi Freedom].

    Pretzel meaning & definition 9 of Pretzel.

  • A crisp biscuit baked in the form of a knot or stick and flavored with salt.

    Pretzel meaning & definition 10 of Pretzel.

  • a hard salty biscuit that has been baked in a stick or knot shape:

    Pretzel meaning & definition 11 of Pretzel.

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