• The act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving
    up of hope.

    Desperation meaning & definition 1 of Desperation.

  • A state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour.

    Desperation meaning & definition 2 of Desperation.

  • Wanting or [needing] something so badly that you will do anything, even if its [immoral], illegal, [degrading], self-humiliating, or in poor taste.

    Desperation meaning & definition 3 of Desperation.

  • Sometimes used to [provoke] the opposite sex by not going to the bathroom and [arousing] the other sex when the said person who was practicing [desperation] pissed themselves.

    Desperation meaning & definition 4 of Desperation.

    1. a [desperate] [state of mind].
    2. in [dire] staits.
    3. in need of a bathroom.

    Desperation meaning & definition 5 of Desperation.

  • A [convenient] [anagram] of a [rope] ends it.

    Desperation meaning & definition 6 of Desperation.

  • The most fucking hardest emotion to deal with as a guy. Seriously, the [desperation] over women makes you want to kill yourself. All it takes is physical beauty, a sweet voice and seductive body language and facial expressions and a normal guy will be overpowered by such greed to want to fuck the beautiful goddess that he just met like 5 minutes ago. But once she decides to leave (in a teasing manner of course), its like the feeling of having your money taking away, or someone who you really love and trust simply abandon you. Imagine a loved one or a friend promising to meet and spend time with you, only to abandon you and youll realize the magnitude of the hell that [single guys] go through. Or try to imagine having to function without food or sleep.

    [Desperation] can lead to anxiety depression and suicide. Its the [Achilles] heal of a man.

    Desperation meaning & definition 7 of Desperation.

  • People that are so desperate for [a girlfriend] that they will go out with a girl from [Canada] that they met over [X-Box] Live.

    Desperation meaning & definition 8 of Desperation.

  • adjective. used to describe something of [lesser] quality, but will [fill] [the need] in desperate times.

    Desperation meaning & definition 9 of Desperation.

  • Being so [hard-up] to insult someone that you start going after their [typos]; or the same typo [multiple times].

    Desperation meaning & definition 10 of Desperation.

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