• A formal meeting or series of meetings for discussion between delegates, especially those from a political party, trade union, or from within a particular sphere of activity.

    Congress meaning & definition 1 of Congress.

  • Do-Nothing [Fucktards] who couldnt [solve] a problem [if it] was eating them alive anus first.

    Congress meaning & definition 2 of Congress.

  • Where [lobbyists] go to [buy] their [laws].

    Congress meaning & definition 3 of Congress.

  • A group of people so [corrupted] by money that they have [no idea] how the [normal American] thinks, but apparently knows enough to tell us what we can and cannot do.

    Congress meaning & definition 4 of Congress.

  • The opposite of [PROGRESS].
    [PRO] = Good
    [CON] = Bad

    Congress meaning & definition 5 of Congress.

  • [Congress] usually refers to the national [legislative] body of a country. However, [congress] is a term also used for a group of baboons. That there are [obvious] similarities between these groups should be pretty obvious to most.

    Congress meaning & definition 6 of Congress.

  • A large group of older men who probably have penis sizes lower than average. They enjoy finding things they dislike, or dont control, and trying to destroy/ruin them. They think mainly of themselves and dont mind destroying a few lives to make a [quick buck]. They avoid taxes and keep their millions of dollars to themselves, and think that those who are poor need to stay poor and they need to stay on top. They recently tried to steal the internet, but where [shot down]. They also believe that [constitutional] rights arent really that important, and can be bent to their liking.

    Congress meaning & definition 7 of Congress.

  • The act of sexual [procreation] between a man and a woman; [the mans] penis is inserted into [the womans] vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur.

    Congress meaning & definition 8 of Congress.

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