• A group of people that:

    a) Enter computer systems by means of [hacking]
    b) Chop wood

    Hackers meaning & definition 1 of Hackers.

    1. (Traditional [Defination]) A hacker is one who is able to aptly code, or wire hardware without the need for a manual, instruction book or other documentation.

    2. (Modern Defination) A hacker is also one who is skilled in the art of obtaining access to a computer to which is defened by a security program.

    3. (Modern Defination) A hacker can also be considered someone who uses of an assistive device in some online games. See: wall hacks [aimbot] [myg0t] cheaters

    Hackers meaning & definition 2 of Hackers.

  • They see what a normal user cannot see,
    They can do what a normal user cannot,
    they have no leaders, no [real friends],
    they are...
    [gods] of [the interwebs]!

    Hackers meaning & definition 3 of Hackers.

  • Humans, who usually have alot of [acne] and glasses, who are [shunned] by society and want to get back at them by [wreaking] peoples computers.

    Hackers meaning & definition 4 of Hackers.

  • 1)[Magic people], [voodoo people]!
    2)[The voodoo], who do, what you dont dare do people.

    Hackers meaning & definition 5 of Hackers.

  • A really crappy movie with Angelina Jolie where a bunch of wannabe hackers go around on [rollerblades] and connect their laptops to phoneboxes.
    Probably the worst movie ever along with [tomb raider].
    [WarGames] is a really good computer based movie!

    Hackers meaning & definition 6 of Hackers.

  • An [MIT] [word that] describes pranksters.
    In MIT talk, hackers are really known as [crackers]

    Hackers meaning & definition 7 of Hackers.

  • [Prolly] one of the best computer [based] movies i have ever seen...[Angelina Jolie] is the best !!!

    Hackers meaning & definition 8 of Hackers.

  • People who have no concideration for other peoples lives. Usually is an ex, A cop, Gov., employee, hard core games that dont know the idea of [fair play] because they couldnt win a real match if thier life depended on it. i.e. Lack of skills that count. Loosers that steal money they didn;t [ern]. Some one you told several times you dont want to date, current partner with no respect for your life or privacy. A girl who wants your man and hes told her on numerous occations that hes not interested and [getting a job] right at the next building wasnt enough for the.... In other words a Stalker!!! Also, most hackers have a large system PC in thier places with a [box that] is attached to it. They usually boast and brag that they can get any ones info about thier entire lives from just a simple name and #. Its true, but thier problems are very [deap] and refusal to see it is the problem in the world. ITs none of thier buisness!
    [KG]: Well you got what you deserved. What you gave. NOTHING! Stay out of our [computers] files, my e-mails and our life. Did you ever here the phrase, Trust is Faith in Love?
    Hacker [Tabs]: I was dating this guy up north via internet and he was msgin this other girl and I hacked his e-mails to check up on him.
    KG: Oh thats right, hes the problem! Does he still live w/ his momma? You know # 1 [thats just wrong] of you. #2 If hes talking with another girl hes just not into you.

    Hackers meaning & definition 9 of Hackers.

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