• That branch of mathematics which investigates the
    relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, lines, and
    angles; the science which treats of the properties and relations of
    magnitudes; the science of the relations of space.

    Geometry meaning & definition 1 of Geometry.

  • Doing [the devils] [work]

    Geometry meaning & definition 2 of Geometry.

  • Torture.Geometry is nothing but a bunch of hard crap that has to with lines like postulates and theorems and shit like that.Its really a bunch of hard crap that frustrates the living hell out of yo and when they give you a test your mind goes [blank] and your like [What the f]*[ck] is this crap?!?! and to make it worse your put in with a teacher who doesnt know shit.

    Geometry meaning & definition 3 of Geometry.

  • 1-the most terrible class ever invented. 2-a great [wayy] to fuck up your [GPA]
    3-another way for teachers to make you feel like an even bigger dumbass then you really are
    4-the most [pointless] form of math ever invented!

    Geometry meaning & definition 4 of Geometry.

  • [the class] i dont [understand] [for shit]

    Geometry meaning & definition 5 of Geometry.

  • something that makes [high school] students [like me] [get pissed] off.

    Geometry meaning & definition 6 of Geometry.

  • A subject in [school you] are forced to take regardless of your math ability. You are forced to sit in a classroom staring [at large] shapes finding the area of its base. The teacher, who you cannot stand, hands out loads of homework due the next morning when youre still sitting here figuring out [yesterdays] lesson. You learn about triganomatry, parralelograms, and much more. basically this class will get you no where in life, and its a class you will most likely sleep through. Its basically a bunch of BS.

    Geometry meaning & definition 7 of Geometry.

  • A really stupid class that nobody could ever pass or understand, even if they got a hundred and ten on their Algebra test.

    The purest form of torture that usually [devils] only teach

    The class that most sociable people talk, pass notes, text, sleep ect. in.

    A word that makes most cry, get bored to death, go [jump off a cliff], or perhaps even kick their ugly math teacher.

    Another word for sickness or death or [weirdness] or something

    Something that teachers say has to do with math, but really doesnt have crap to do with any sort of math typed thing. In fact, it is only a period of complete uselessness. (see def. #3)

    Geometry meaning & definition 8 of Geometry.

  • The branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogues.

    Geometry meaning & definition 9 of Geometry.

  • A form of [mathematics] that has few real life applications apart from [architecture], contruction, physics, [astronomy], and other mathmatical sciences.

    Geometry meaning & definition 10 of Geometry.

  • a course you are required to [take in] high school, usually after Algebra. Extremely boring, not to mention difficult for most people. You will never have to use the things you learned about in class in your future career. In other words, [GEOMETRY] IS A ROYAL [WASTE OF TIME].

    Geometry meaning & definition 11 of Geometry.

  • the area of mathematics relating to the study of space and the relationships between points, lines, curves, and surfaces:

    Geometry meaning & definition 12 of Geometry.

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