• A group of people who originate from the eastern Mediterranean country of Lebanon, which constitutes part of the [Levant]. The majority of Lebanese are of [Phoenician] heritage. The Phoenician ancestors of the Lebanese are also the prominent [genotype] of a large portion of the Mediterranean basin including large portions of Italy, Greece, Malta extending all the way to Cornwall in Wales (UK).
    There are 19 different religious sects in Lebanon, a country of less than 4 million. Physically, Lebanese tend to be fair skinned, with either brown, green or blue eyes and dark brown, brown, sandy, or red hair. Blond blue-eyed Lebanese comprise approximately 10-15% of the population as many Lebanese carry characteristics of Crusader invaders from Northern and [Central Europe].
    There are 4 times as many Lebanese outside of Lebanon as there are in the country itself. Nine million reside in Brazil alone and this [diaspora] constitutes 25% of [Brazils] parliament.
    The Lebanese diaspora has been immensely successful in politics, business, entertainment and academia (with several Nobel Laureates of Lebanese Background). Some of the wealthiest men/families in the world are of Lebanese Ancestry.

    Lebanese meaning & definition 1 of Lebanese.

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