• A human being; a person, either male or female; -- now used
    chiefly in irony or burlesque, or in humorous language.

    Wight meaning & definition 1 of Wight.

  • A wight is a incorporal [undead] [beeing] that drains the essence of living beings to stay alive. Wights are usualy controled by someone or thing of highter power such as a [necromancer].

    Wight meaning & definition 2 of Wight.

  • [Olde] [Nordic] word meaning [Spirit].

    Wight meaning & definition 3 of Wight.

  • Taken from the title character of Homestar Runner.com, [wight] is the pronunciation of right derrived from [Homestars] speech impediment causing him to pronounce his Rs as [Ws].

    Wight meaning & definition 4 of Wight.

  • Used to describe terrifying [spectres] that walk the world, animated by forces unknown. Pale, moving in an odd and jerky manner, ambulatory, but [dead inside], wights do not perceive the damage they do, but bring with them ruin nonetheless. They come, consume all arrayed against them, and [repurpose] the things they consume into terrible parodies of the things they were, often at terrible, terrible prices. Nothing is safe from them — all are consumed. Their coming is heralded by the malign call from the æther, whispers from malign networks such as The Dread Instagram and Planet That is Lonely by forces called “influencers”, who use the dark art of “hashtags” and “ess-ee-oh” to cause a horde of wights to [converge], hollowing the soul of a place to a [husk], and subsequently driving the prices of everything up. Nothing is safe.

    Wight meaning & definition 5 of Wight.

  • White as [Night]
    [alternative] to [Wigger]

    Wight meaning & definition 6 of Wight.

  • [Wicked] Tight = [Wight]
    Also, [ticked], but [wight] works better.

    Wight meaning & definition 7 of Wight.

  • a common phase used by ginger people, usually fat with problems of there voice. it has recently been discovered as a [acknowledgement] of awareness that there [freinds] are around as we would say [heya] or hello

    Wight meaning & definition 8 of Wight.

  • a ghost , or a dead person who has come back to life

    Wight meaning & definition 9 of Wight.

  • A person of a specified kind, especially one regarded as unfortunate.

    Wight meaning & definition 10 of Wight.

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