• Someone who will never notice you.

    Senpai meaning & definition 1 of Senpai.

  • (Japanese)An Upperclassman. Used in relation to fellow classmates of higher level or age. It can be used like -chan or -san as well as by itseld. I.E.: Urameshi-senpai or just senpai

    Senpai meaning & definition 2 of Senpai.

  • It originates from anime and manga. Its someone older than you. Someone you look up to. If they give the slightest attention to you, you sort of explode. They are just really admired by you and if you are a senpai, bask in it!

    Senpai meaning & definition 3 of Senpai.

  • In Japan, senpai (先輩 ?) is a mentor or senior and kōhai (後輩 ?) is a protégé or junior. The mentor system is found at all levels of education, and in sports clubs, businesses, and informal or social organizations.

    Senpai meaning & definition 4 of Senpai.

  • any anme-senpai. In Japan it means my comrad of higher class, but not that much higher

    Senpai meaning & definition 5 of Senpai.

  • A older person who you adore usually comes from manga and anime

    Senpai meaning & definition 6 of Senpai.

  • Senpai means some one older then you, or a crush that will never notice you because they are so friggin clueless! So me.

    Senpai meaning & definition 7 of Senpai.

  • is someone who is older than you, it is considered respectful in japan to call your elder peers Senpai.

    Senpai meaning & definition 8 of Senpai.

  • A Japanese honorific used when someone is older than you in age or they have more experience in a field than you. The opposite being [Kouhai]

    It is usually a troup in anime or manga for a Kouhai to desperately seek their Senpais attention but fails as because their senpai ignores them continuously.

    Senpai meaning & definition 9 of Senpai.

  • Pronounced sen - pie. Also known as [Sempai].
    A Japanese term used to address someone higher than you politely. E.g. if you are in 4th grade, then anyone in 5th grade or higher is you senpai.
    The previous definition is a reference to animated game, Yandere ([Yaan] - dah - [reh]) Simulator.

    Senpai meaning & definition 10 of Senpai.

  • Something that all anime [weebs], nerds, and [otakus], call every freakin person they know.
    Usually said in a unusual annoying high pitched voice. Can cause [brain damage] from hearing it too much.

    Senpai meaning & definition 11 of Senpai.

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