• none of the definitions so far were correct.
    A degenerate is a person who has declined, as in morals or character, from a type or standard considered normal.

    Degenerate meaning & definition 1 of Degenerate.

  • a sub-human [smackoff] that either loses, breaks, destroys, or completely ruins everything they come in contact with.

    Degenerate meaning & definition 2 of Degenerate.

  • Verb:
    To fall from grace, to [degrade], to become [corrupt], to lose good or [admirable] qualities.
    Describing someone or something who has lost their good qualities and has become undesirable or even abnormal.

    Degenerate meaning & definition 3 of Degenerate.

  • Degenerate, degenerated, degenerating.
    To lose quality, gradual breakdown, outlive ones usefulness.

    Degenerate meaning & definition 4 of Degenerate.

  • a person beyond the pale of respectability. a person devoid of any desirable qualities.
    AKA as a low life, beg bug, dirt bag, worm

    Degenerate meaning & definition 5 of Degenerate.

  • A muthafucking dumbass. A disgrace to mankind. You might as well see [dumbass] for this.

    Degenerate meaning & definition 6 of Degenerate.

  • Any player, coach, or other member of the Oakland Raiders or any of their fans. Raiders fans look as if they all just escaped from prison, wearing all black with stupid skulls and spikes, and displaying their hideous gang tattoos. The ridiculous attire of the fans is an attempt to compensate for their teams lack of talent; however, the fans simply look like a bunch of homosexuals more than anything. They can typically be be found supporting their perennially last place team on Sunday afternoons in the self-proclaimed black hole, a filthy, crime-ridden football stadium infested with the scum of the bay area. Additionally, the team features defensive end Richard Seymour, who has been labeled a dirty, cheap, little pompous ass” by a fellow NFL player. Their owner, Al Davis, looks something like Freddy Kruger and a zombie, and is infamous for wasting the Raiders often high draft picks on terrible players. His most recent drafting failures include Jamarcus the hut Russell and Darrius no hands Heyward-Bey.

    Degenerate meaning & definition 7 of Degenerate.

  • having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.
    a degenerate form of a higher civilization
    synonyms: debased, degraded, corrupt, impure;
    a degenerate form of classicism

    Degenerate meaning & definition 8 of Degenerate.

    1. (verb) get worse
    2. (noun) drunken loser

    Degenerate meaning & definition 9 of Degenerate.

  • lacking moral fiber. Flaunting deranged qualities.

    Degenerate meaning & definition 10 of Degenerate.

  • Someone who is a disgrace to society. A consumer but not a producer. A [Taker] but not a [giver]. Someone who has declined in morals and spends most of his/her time partying, having sex, drinking heavily and doing all that while being a general fucking [neet].

    Degenerate meaning & definition 11 of Degenerate.

  • The opposite of something that generates. In a social context, it means an activity or individual that erodes society, that helps in destroying it. Sexual [promiscuity], drugs, crime, dangerous activities, and pretty much anything [that goes] against the [nuclear family].

    Degenerate meaning & definition 12 of Degenerate.

  • [Every single] [one of] your teammates in [League Of Legends]

    Degenerate meaning & definition 13 of Degenerate.

  • to become worse in quality:

    Degenerate meaning & definition 14 of Degenerate.

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