• A kind of dock (Rumex Patientia), less common in America thanin Europe; monk's rhubarb.

    Patience meaning & definition 1 of Patience.

  • beautiful, amazing, the best person in the world, hot. Apparently yummy!

    Patience meaning & definition 2 of Patience.

  • One of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. A visible attribute of a true Christian life as found in Galatians 5:22-23.

    Patience meaning & definition 3 of Patience.

  • The ability to stand (without complaining) long periods of:

    1. [hardship]
    2. boredom, also: bad entertainment
    3. being with parents or other difficult individuals
    4. being at a place you rather would like to leave

    Often classified as [requirement] for:
    a) raising children
    b) a [relationship]
    c) learning
    d) [life]
    e) achieving anything
    f) [conversation]

    Patience meaning & definition 4 of Patience.

  • an annoying period of time you have no choice but to deal with.

    Patience meaning & definition 5 of Patience.

  • it can mean having the will to wait for something.
    and it was a hit single for the band - TakeThat.
    but in my eyes it is the description of a brilliant friend of mine.

    Patience meaning & definition 6 of Patience.

  • The science of peace.

    Patience meaning & definition 7 of Patience.

  • Opposite of , Are

    Patience meaning & definition 8 of Patience.

  • The quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like, except when waiting for Jonas Brothers tour dates and venues. then, all patience may be ignored.

    Patience meaning & definition 9 of Patience.

  • a virtue; typified by waiting for something without becoming aggressive

    Patience meaning & definition 10 of Patience.

  • The correct terminology for a female modorater who oftenly procrastinates illegally about male members.

    Patience meaning & definition 11 of Patience.

  • Patience is a beautiful and [funny girl] who will light up the room the minute she walks in. She is the girl you make your funniest memories with, but she can sometimes [stray] into the wrong crowd. She could be the best person in your life, or the worst, depending on how you view her. You will fall in love with her silly personality the minute you meet her, and she will change the lives of people around her. Everyone wants to be her friend, and guys simply [drool] over her.

    Patience meaning & definition 12 of Patience.

  • A really [sexy girl]. Really funny,sometimes a bit [goofy]. She is a [really good friend] to have and shes hella great in bed.

    Patience meaning & definition 13 of Patience.

  • The thing that is [tested] when you are waiting for [an Urban Dictionary] thing to be [published].

    Patience meaning & definition 14 of Patience.

  • The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

    Patience meaning & definition 15 of Patience.

  • Literally the best fucking person ever. Patience is someone you will always love and will always miss whether you like it or not. She has the best fucking personality, and is more attractive than anyone you will ever meet. You will really love this person, more than anyone else. Be thankful if you ever meet one. She can be petty and [insensitive] at times, but chances are shes aware of it. Dont get on a [Patiences] bad side, or she will literally bite your head off. Dont argue with a Patience if you can avoid it, because she really likes winning. Shes an [evil bitch], but you might love that.

    Patience meaning & definition 16 of Patience.

  • A truly wonderful person until she feels like she has had enough or just cant [handle] being [in a relationship]. She will break your heart if you let her have too much of it. But you will miss her everyday when she is not standing by your side or in your arms. She deserves [everything and nothing].

    Patience meaning & definition 17 of Patience.

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