• A burnt sacrifice; an offering, the whole of which was
    consumed by fire, among the Jews and some pagan nations.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 1 of Holocaust.

  • ([VERB])
    To utterly [destroy] [something] or someone.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 2 of Holocaust.

  • whoever wrote #9 is a [neo nazi] bastard. the holocaust killed millions of innocent ppl for no apparent reason, just because of the [tremendous bitch] hitler blamed jews, homos, [gypsies], etc. for all of the problems that HE caused.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 3 of Holocaust.

  • [A time] when having [a gas] [barbecue] meant something completely different.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 4 of Holocaust.

  • something that did happen, but 11 million people were killed, everyone hears about [the 7] million Jews [who died], but no one even cares about the 5 million [peasants], christians, Roman Catholics, and others who were killed

    Holocaust meaning & definition 5 of Holocaust.

  • The [Holocaust] applied to the organized government persecution and genocide of various ethnic, religious and political groups during World War II by Nazi Germany and collaborators. This was mostly aimed at Jewish people - called: [Final Solution] of the Jewish Question, however in the Roma and Sinti were also targets as were other “objectionable” groups of people – Poles, Soviet POW (Inc. Russians and other Slavs), mentally or physically disabled, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Communists, people who objected to the government and criminals. Estimates place the total number of Holocaust victims at up to 26 million people, although the number 9 to 11 million is usually held as more reliable. Alternatively [Holocaust deniers] or revisionists believe that the [holocaust] did not occur – far fewer that approx. 6 million Jews were killed. Holocaust revisionists also deny that extermination of Jews and other groups was not a centrally-planned Nazi attempt. This argument is generally dismissed by most historical groups due to aural, written, visual and archeological evidence.

    Other meanings of ‘Holocaust’ include:

    Holocaust (band): A Scottish heavy metal band.
    Holocaust (comics): A Marvel Comics Super Villain

    Other events such as the:
    Asian Holocaust, Black Holocaust, Cambodian Holocaust, Chinese Holocaust, Hiroshima Holocaust, Ukrainian Holocaust, Gay Holocaust, Armenian Holocaust (or Genocide), Irish Holocaust ([Potato Famine]), Native American Holocaust (Massacres during the ‘settlement’ of the Americas), [Nuclear Holocaust], Rwanda Holocaust or Genocide, Vietnamese Holocaust (Atrocities after the fall of [Saigon]) .

    Holocaust meaning & definition 6 of Holocaust.

  • [Disaster] on a [horrific] [scale].

    Holocaust meaning & definition 7 of Holocaust.

  • People need to know that in [the Holocaust] not ONLY did Jews die but homosexuals and [Gypsies] did too, why you ask? hell if I know, Hitler didnt like anyone who wasnt straight or [Aryan].

    Holocaust meaning & definition 8 of Holocaust.

  • A program referring to the extermination of all [impure] people, mainly concerning of Jewish origin by Nazi Germany in the years 1939-1945
    Even though the holocaust also involved nearly 5 million people of non-Jewish ancestry, the mass extermination of the Jews decimated the entire Jewish population of the world by [two thirds], and nearly eliminated almost all Jews residing in Europe.
    Lets not forget, if the amount of Jews was proportional to the quantity of Americans for example, then [the casualties] would likely be circa 200 million.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 9 of Holocaust.

  • an event taking place under the Nazi government in Europe from [1939] to [1945] in which six million Jews and five million homosexuals, gypsies, Catholics, disabled people, Russians, [Slavs], etc. were rounded up and slaughtered. Although other genocides have also happened, the Holocaust is unique in that it was the only genocide which was industrialized. The people organizing it were concerned with transportation, efficiency, materials, disposal, etc.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 10 of Holocaust.

  • The mass extermination of millions of Jews, homos, gypsies, and anyone who opposed Hitler. He made his [ass-] nazis shoot them right out and put them in [mass grave], or put them in concentration camps. These were made especialy to kill and [sicken] the inhabitants. Some of the soldiers were good however, and were only there becuase they served int he army. It was becuase of good ppl like that that the few that survived did.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 11 of Holocaust.

  • Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 12 of Holocaust.

  • The [atrocity] commited by the Nazis, on the Jews mostly. Other victims were [Gypsys], Blacks, Homosexuals, and the [Handicapped].

    Holocaust meaning & definition 13 of Holocaust.

  • A world [event] [that happened] to many [Jews]

    Holocaust meaning & definition 14 of Holocaust.

  • If your American READ~ It’s a thing that [actually happened], no [conspiracy] about this as it’s literally History. If you still can’t keep up, it’s like the rest of the world saying that [JFK] never got shot.

    Holocaust meaning & definition 15 of Holocaust.

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