• One of the priests who organized or sung in parts.

    Organist meaning & definition 1 of Organist.

  • One who plays the organ. Organists have an interesting culture, which is also very diverse. An organist might play any sort of organ ([pipe organ], Hammond, theatre). And, there are many types of organist-
    The Diva-
    These organists will be inclined to jump up behind [the conductor] at somebody elses choral recital and give cues as they see fit.
    Non-technical player-
    Somebody who just knows how to turn the blower switch on and pull out the right stops. The have no idea how an organ pipe works, and now much of a clue how the organ itself works.
    Old lady-
    Yeah, the old blue hair that plays the organ at the local Roman Catholic parish. She never pulls out any more than three stops and likes to [take it slow].
    The 50% organist-
    A pianist who is passing for an organist. They usually play on one manual and dont use pedals. Enough said.
    The good organist-
    These organists can play both Bach and French Romantic, as well as many other types of [organ music]. They can register well, and play cleanly. Fortunately, such organists are usually well mannered.
    The passable organist-
    This organist can play hymns well, but not much else. Fugues may confuse them, and sometimes they cant [register that] well. They are good for regular, nothing special Sunday services.

    Organist meaning & definition 2 of Organist.

  • A [masterbater].
    a) Someone who is a loser and cant get any, so they have no choice but to materbate.
    b) Someone who has chosen to be [celibate] for [religious reasons], but still has urges, and so quietly and privately masterbates from time to time.
    c) Someone who gets plenty of sex, but is so super horny that they have to masterbate between fuckings.

    Someone who is an expert, and possibly even a professional, at playing OTHER PEOPLES organs. A slut or a whore.

    Organist meaning & definition 3 of Organist.

  • Noun.
    An individual who believes one sexual [organ] is [better than] [the other].

    Organist meaning & definition 4 of Organist.

  • means one who plays organs. an organplayer. Often used in my family about peolpe who walk [funnily]. People with such a walk that would make it [impossible] for them to play the pedals on a [church organ]

    Organist meaning & definition 5 of Organist.

  • A person who plays the organ.

    Organist meaning & definition 6 of Organist.

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