• To pry; to peep slyly. Shak. Peak arch (Arch.), a pointed orGothic arch.

    Peak meaning & definition 1 of Peak.

  • Term of increasing popularity amongst the urban youth of Londinium, it often comes accompanied with hand gestures replicating the peak of a mountain.
    It can refer to an excellent or top quality situation/object/event/person. (1)
    Curiously, it can also refer to a very negative situation. (2)

    Peak meaning & definition 2 of Peak.

  • Peak; Bad luck, gutted. When some shit goes down that is bad on your behalf, peak for you. When something bad happens to a mate , peak for them. Effectively meaning bad luck / gutted to fuck. English street slang.

    Peak meaning & definition 3 of Peak.

  • Another word for the word muggage or boid.
    When something is peak, its a cuss that makes your opponent upset and can't bring comebacks. So basically you have won.

    Peak meaning & definition 4 of Peak.

  • When banter is of a whole new level that only certain words can explain it. Jokes may be said to be peak when they are borderline taboo but still cause serious laughter. Any other words that have a similar meaning to peak suck as tip, summit, apogee and brink may also be used to avoid repetition.

    Peak meaning & definition 5 of Peak.

  • Definition One

    When something beyond comprehension has happened to you or some one else you know, positive or negative you say the word peak to portray the sheer level of [OMG]

    Definition Two

    Peak times are times where life has thrown some crazy stuff at you and everything is just WOAAAAAAAH.

    Usually a hand sign is involved which symbolises a mountain peak. If something is that [deep] the word doesn't even have to be said, you can just do the hand sign

    Definition Three
    When someone has been embarrassed so much so you feel the need to acknowledge the extent to which they have been [wrecked]

    Peak meaning & definition 6 of Peak.

  • effectively a [replacement] for any [negative] adjective ever. could mean bad, ugly, [smelly], disgusting, any of these words could be replaced by peak

    Peak meaning & definition 7 of Peak.

  • When [something] is [unfair] or [unnecessary]

    Peak meaning & definition 8 of Peak.

  • Fully integrated property management and accounting solution. A software product by RETransform

    Peak meaning & definition 9 of Peak.

  • Peak in Yachting. The upper aft corner of a foursided sail.

    Peak meaning & definition 10 of Peak.

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