• Callum is a Gaelic. : Disciple of Saint Columba. The name means of kings of Scotland.
    The perfect man! Any women lucky enough to have one in her life, and should be forever grateful. They are known to be an amazing kissers. And are sensitive to a womens needs,wants and desires.
    Callum will make any women feel like a Queen.
    They always know just what to say to a women.
    They are full of passion.
    They are caring, thoughtful,romantic,cute,funny,amazing kissers,adorable,sensual,intelligent,erotic,handsome,always a gentlemen, will always put a smile on your face, great personality, and sexy as hell.
    The only downside to knowing a Callum is you will not be able to resist him. Just looking into his eyes will have you hooked instantly. Just the thought of his gentle touch over your body, will have you so turned on, making your pussy so hot and wet, and horny, leaving a burning desire to have him right then and there. Your lips will be begging to taste every inch of his body.
    However, when taught properly a Callum can make for a great man servant.

    Callum meaning & definition 1 of Callum.

  • If you know [a callum], youre a very lucky person, he well known by everyone, very popular and he makes [you look good] whenever youre around him. [Callums] are very generous, sexy, loving, caring, sweet, sensitive, HOT, humorous, good to cuddle, sexy body and very good in bed. They are there to help you in any situation and always there for a shoulder to cry on. They are very protective towards their girlfriends and would stick up for them no matter what and cant wait for a future with that one particular girl.

    Callum meaning & definition 2 of Callum.

  • The most amazing boy youll ever meet!! Youll fall in love intantly! At first hell seem shy, and nerdy, but once you get to know him, hes super insane, and will make you smile [24/7]. Callum is an amazing friend, and if he becomes more than that, never let him go, no matter [the distance] between you. Hell make an effort to see you, and talk to you as often as possible. He is [truthful], beautiful, hilarious, and amazing.

    Callum meaning & definition 3 of Callum.

  • [Perfection]

    Callum meaning & definition 4 of Callum.

  • A truly [madcore] human being who prides himself on nothing more than waking up every morning and thinking, Fuck, Im, such a [sick cunt].
    Typically, this individuals [mad skills] are admired by his peers, who aspire to live in his shadow.

    Callum meaning & definition 5 of Callum.

  • [A dickhead], can’t [take a joke].

    Callum meaning & definition 6 of Callum.

  • Not to be mistaken for [calum] he is a calm [sloth] like creature who has odd fetishes I usually nuggets. He masturbates more than the average man. He watches [ufc] most of the time (usually with a pillow over his lap) and takes 2 showers per week.

    Callum meaning & definition 7 of Callum.

  • A man who does not [realise] what power he holds over women. Is often [flitting] between who he likes and who he loves. Someone who cannot be [forgotten].

    Callum meaning & definition 8 of Callum.

  • A person with [unusual] [accent] that attracts [alot] of female attention.

    Callum meaning & definition 9 of Callum.

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