• A devilishly handsome individual who investigates and ruthlessly abolishes mysteries of all kinds.

    Detective meaning & definition 1 of Detective.

  • A person, especially a police officer, whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes.

    Detective meaning & definition 2 of Detective.

  • A police officer who has surpassed his counterparts and has a God given gift to do police work. One who drags demons out into the light. There is a reason their badges are gold and not silver, its called cunning, slick, smart, dedicated, hard working, inquisitive, [tactful], clever, [cream of the crop] and intimidating, just a few adjectives that describe Detectives. A Detective is a [high caliber] police officer assigned to investigate all crimes including major crimes, they are go to guys who figure things out and solve problems. Men of Gold

    Detective meaning & definition 3 of Detective.

  • The person or persons who asks too many questions, wanting to know too much [detail], especially when the detail is [not necessarily] [essential] to the conversation.

    Detective meaning & definition 4 of Detective.

  • Verb. To find, and then tell the details of a pick-up strategy that someone posted on an online [public forum] to, its intended target.
    Possibly originated on the [misc] [bulletin board] of the bodybuilding forum.

    Detective meaning & definition 5 of Detective.

  • [Mason] [Tibits]

    Detective meaning & definition 6 of Detective.

  • A [creeper] who walks or rides his bike [around town], writing down various crimes other teenagers are doing and [reporting] them to the police.

    Detective meaning & definition 7 of Detective.

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