• Torture. Thats about it.

    Sculling meaning & definition 1 of Sculling.

  • Its awful. Its tiring - exhausting actually. Its hard - one of the hardest things you will ever attempt to do. Its [mind numbing] -theres so many things you have to think about. Its painful - have you seen a [scullers] hands?? Well, you dont want to hold them. Bleh. Its scary - seriousley the thought of falling in to a river full of currents, rats and who knows what would scare the s*** out of any 13yr old child!!!! But for some reason, thousands of people do it across the UK. Some people question the appeal but well, no [Sculler] or [Rowing] can explain why the stick with it. I guess you could say, after [sculling] 10km, you feel pretty damn good! 😄 !! Its like Rowing but instead of each crew member holding one blade/[oar], each Sculler holds two. People say Rowing is harder but once youve learned to Scull, you can easily convert to Rowing but if you learnt to Row first, its like starting from scratch to begin [Sculling]. Also in sculling, you can have one person in a boat but you cant in [rowing] for obvious reasons like youd just go round in a circle!!

    Sculling meaning & definition 2 of Sculling.

  • Agreeing to a [deal] and then extorting [extra money] out of the [individual]

    Sculling meaning & definition 3 of Sculling.

  • Sculling in Swimming. Using small hand movements to aid propulsion with the change in pitch.

    Sculling meaning & definition 4 of Sculling.

  • the sport of rowing in a small, narrow boat designed for one, two, or four people, who use two small oars (= poles with flat ends) each, to move the boat

    Sculling meaning & definition 5 of Sculling.

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