• A disease which is attended with a persistent, excessivedischarge of urine. Most frequently the urine is not only increasedin quantity, but contains saccharine matter, in which case thedisease is generally fatal. Diabetes mellitus Etym: [NL., sweetdiabetes], that form of diabetes in which the urine containssaccharine matter.-- Diabetes insipidus Etym: [NL., lit., diabetes], the form ofdiabetes in which the urine contains no abnormal constituent.

    Diabetes meaning & definition 1 of Diabetes.

  • An awesome disease where you lose a function of your pancreas because God doesn't like you that day.

    You get to prick your fingers everyday to get a large sample of blood for you glucose meter. You can either take shots of insulin for every meal, or some people have an insulin pump which continually pumps insulin into your system. The pump is awesome because it's on your side 24/7 and kids and teachers can even make fun of you at school!

    Diabetics especially love when people ask them questions like, CAN

    Diabetes meaning & definition 2 of Diabetes.

  • Just because you have Diabetes doesn't always mean you are fat and dont require insulin. You can be pencle thin and still require insulin. It depends on your body and how it uses the insulin it makes or receives.

    Diabetes meaning & definition 3 of Diabetes.

  • A condition in which the pancreas secretes little or no insulin - a hormone that lowers the blood sugar level.

    Diabetes meaning & definition 4 of Diabetes.

  • A pain in the ass! it causes nasty scar tissue. you have to take shots(i take 5 a day) and prick your finger with a smaller needle(4 times a day for me). It causes pain and suffering. and to some little kid that thinks it rocks... you are a sick [SOB]. You need mental help.

    Diabetes meaning & definition 5 of Diabetes.

  • when your pancreas stops producing insulin. NOT because of sugar. type 1 has to do with taking shots/using a pump. type 2 has to do with obesity. where you take a pill. It also includes taking your blood sugar every two hours that youre

    Diabetes meaning & definition 6 of Diabetes.

  • Diabetes is an endocrine disorder charicterised by excessive thurst with frequent urination. once treated and if managed symptoms will subside. Diabetes has two groups diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus.
    both of these types of diabetes have the same symptoms but the endocrine disorders are much diffrent
    diabetes insipidus is a pituitary deficiency of the hormone vasopressin which is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland. the hormone vasopressin is an antidiuretic hormone which reduces the excretion of urine. diabetes insipidus is very uncommon.
    diabetes mellitus is the most common diabetes it has two types type 1 which is an insulin dependent treatment involves managment of carbs insulin and diet. type 2 which is not insulin dependent but can progress into being insulin dependent. Type 1 diabetes is frequently called a severe or chronic form of diabetes. Type one is often classified as an auto immune disorder meaning the immune system attacks and kills the insulin producing cells of the pancreas resulting in an inability to produce insulin.
    type 2 diabetes is know as the adult onset which is exacerbated by obesity and inactivity. type 2 diabetes is a a mild form of diabetes which can be reversed if treated and changes are made. type 2 diabetes is a result of the body not producing enough insulin, or having too much insulin resistance. managment of type 2 diabetes involves diet and exercise and can progress to insulin injections.

    Diabetes meaning & definition 7 of Diabetes.

  • To pass away whilst flirting with small stinging insects

    Diabetes meaning & definition 8 of Diabetes.

  • A cursed disease in which you have to poke lancets on your skin then test with malfunctioning glucometers. Type I is juvenile while Type II is obesity-related.

    Diabetes meaning & definition 9 of Diabetes.

  • Comes in two flavors:
    [Type 1]: [God hates you] and your [pancreas]. It sucks, and the only way anyone can joke about it is by how much it sucks. Its not an excuse to get out of class, its Dear Lord, I am going to pass out.
    Type 2: You got it from developing bad [overeating] habits in response to depression. The family history on both sides didnt help a whole lot either. You yourself then take control of your weight slowly through therapy, exercise, and relearning healthier ways of eating. Everyone assumes you got it because you ate too many twinkies, and not enough healthy things, like fruit. You dont even like Twinkies. And dont they realize that sugar is in fruit? Also, God hates you.
    You and the Type 1 meet at a salad bar. A soft melody plays over the loud speaker. You gaze at [Type 1s] salad, along the rich greens of spinach decorated with a playful [greys] of [portabello] mushrooms. A little bit of dressing- not too much, but just enough. Eyes meet. Gazes linger. I love spinach too, you [murmur] in soft tones. Me too, says Type 1.
    The afternoon is spent in delightful conversation about Mongolian heavy metal music and your shared love of the martial art of Bartitsu. As the sun begins to set, setting the sky in an orchestra of bright colors, you both hold hands, and decide that diabetes just sucks in general.

    Diabetes meaning & definition 10 of Diabetes.

  • There are two types of diabetes, [type 1] and type 2. [Type 1] is when the pancreas doesnt function properly and type 2 is when you are over weight and it starts causing health problems. It really makes me mad when we are watching a [health video] in class and people say diabetes is cause when you are over weight. I have diabetes myself and my friends or people I know look at me and judge me. People need to get it right. People need to become more educated on this subject.

    Diabetes meaning & definition 11 of Diabetes.

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