• A large black passerine bird (Corvus corax), similar to thecrow, but larger. It is native of the northern part of Europe, Asiaand America, and is noted for its sagacity. Sea raven (Zoöl.), thecormorant.

    Raven meaning & definition 1 of Raven.

  • The girl from Teen Titans who doesn't wear pants.

    Raven meaning & definition 2 of Raven.

  • Raven is smart and outgoing but has a naughty side. If she goes to a party she will be the life! All the boys want her but are too scared to ask her out. Shes either super athletic or super lazy. She has days where she is either or. Shes medium to tall with beautiful hair. She either chooses to be popular or she chooses to be [outcasted] and hates everyone. [Ravens] are typically very indecicive people but if you gain her trust she will be 100% loyal to you and always [watch your back]. Shes a lover, unconditionally. You will always have either a very very good relationship with her or very bad. She loves food cause who doesnt?

    Raven meaning & definition 3 of Raven.

  • Wild black bird with purple/blue undertones. Theyre over 25 long, weigh about 1 1/3 lbs, have a 15 [wingspan],

    Raven meaning & definition 4 of Raven.

  • A marvoulous person. [Goofy] or silly. Always cares for others. Generally an outgoing person. Usually low-self [esteem]. Beautiful and intelligent but never takes [compliments]

    Raven meaning & definition 5 of Raven.

  • A girl with dark brown/ black hair. She tends to be a [pushover] but always nice. Like all of us shes been through a lot in her life and just wants someone to hold and love. She has few friends because shes a creative [thinker] and not many people can keep on track for too long. For some reason shes with [a Dylan] even though shes far too good for him.

    Raven meaning & definition 6 of Raven.

  • A self consious girl who just wants to be noticed. Tends to pick the wrong people to trust. Feels alone even when surrounded by people who love her. Falls in love easily but when its [true love] she thinks of him often. She doesnt trust well. Afraid of being rejected and alone. [Longs] to please people even when she knows they cant be [pleased]. Is a great listener. Brown haired and fairly chubby but pretty. Knows shes not beautiful and hates when people say she is.

    Raven meaning & definition 7 of Raven.

  • a [young lady] who is very amazing. she is also usually very beautiful and [funny].can make anyone [laugh]!

    Raven meaning & definition 8 of Raven.

  • Hott / sexy girl with the dark hair and [dark eyes] who comes off to be older than she really is , or somewhat diffrent , and [whimp] .......has beautiful heart and loves many , cant loose [true friend] , opens up to few , dont mess with her emotions her mystery can become fatal for you .........

    Raven meaning & definition 9 of Raven.

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