• A crack hesd or some one who acts like one..... an erratic/irrational person. Used since the 80s till present time.

    Smoker meaning & definition 1 of Smoker.

  • Someone who inhales smoke on purpose to get a fix of nicotine, a highly addictive drug that should be illegal. They dont realize that smoke is just filth, basically the opposite of fresh clean air. This is worse than inhaling straight up farts, but they do it anyway because they are just so stupid. A smoker could just get an electronic cigarette and inhale their nicotine in water vapor with some flavoring, but they usually dont. They just continue inhaling filth because they are hopeless addicts stuck in a behavioral rut. Smokers usually litter because they dont even care about themselves, let alone the world around them.

    Smoker meaning & definition 2 of Smoker.

  • One who puts poison in their body. If kept up, smokers will eventually die unpeacefully by sufficating.

    Smoker meaning & definition 3 of Smoker.

  • Short for CockSmoker.

    Smoker meaning & definition 4 of Smoker.

  • An old or cheap car that burns oil, has poor body work, things wrong with it or and mixture of the above.

    Smoker meaning & definition 5 of Smoker.

  • A complete idiot who thinks poisoning themself is cool.

    Smoker meaning & definition 6 of Smoker.

  • A synonym for [idiot], they deserve to die.

    Smoker meaning & definition 7 of Smoker.

  • someone who uses crack

    Smoker meaning & definition 8 of Smoker.

  • noun. A phrase used to describe a person who would give a fellatio to another man

    Smoker meaning & definition 9 of Smoker.

  • A person who smokes tobacco regularly.

    Smoker meaning & definition 10 of Smoker.

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