• a femme fatale. with intelligence and beauty. shes an all around girl like LLs cut. Usually nicknamed Sophia or Phia. Very friendly, a down-ass chick, book smart and full of wisdom.

    Uses both eyes to see the world

    a wifey type that can make a man satisfied. cook good, look good and feels good.

    A one of kind girl, rare to find and once you find it hold on to it till eternity.

    Sophia meaning & definition 1 of Sophia.

  • A girls name that means wisdom in Greek.
    Has a user rating of 4.5.

    Sophia meaning & definition 2 of Sophia.

  • an amazing girl, extremely beautiful, does cute things all the time, great at drawing, great at kissing, pretty much great at everything she ever does, knows how to make a guy feel amazing, a girl very easy to love.

    Sophia meaning & definition 3 of Sophia.


    Sophia meaning & definition 4 of Sophia.

  • A female. Rather to do the unexpectable of what people think. Most likely to have sarcasim. You can always be yourself around Sophia. Goes for guys by what her heart tells her not her eyes. Easy to fall in love with. But most important shes a bestfriend to you.

    Sophia meaning & definition 5 of Sophia.

  • The best girl you could ever meet. She is amazing. She is extremely nice, has soft skin, plays basket ball, is amazing at soccer, and plays lacrosse. Sophia is the kind of person who is loud but is soft at the same time. Sophia has the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen a hazel or brownish. Sophia also has and amazing face. I could look at her for hours and hours. She is the type of person to make you fell better as soon as you see her. Sophia is the reason i come to school.

    Sophia meaning & definition 6 of Sophia.

  • With a great sense of humor, she can make anyone laugh. Usually tall

    Sophia meaning & definition 7 of Sophia.

  • The most amazing girl ive ever seen in my life. Someone truly special to me and will always stay in my heart.drop dead gorgeous. can make the world stop just to stare at her beautiful smile. always in my heart no matter if she cares or not. Ill always protect her.

    Sophia meaning & definition 8 of Sophia.

  • Shes a lit and chill person.Her beauty is beyond compare,everyone wishes they were her. Sophia is also very sexy every man wants her,She is very popular and everyone wants to be her friend

    Sophia meaning & definition 9 of Sophia.

  • The one girl who truly is herself around you. She doesnt have to pretend to [be someone] else. You know you can always trust her. Guys love her... but she only loves one. Shes one of the smartest people you will ever meet. Gorgeous. Self-confident. Loves her friends. Shes probably an AMAZING kisser. [Killer body], [beautiful eyes], with a smile that will melt your heart.

    Sophia meaning & definition 10 of Sophia.

  • A beautiful, kind, and caring girl who will always be [looking out] for you. [Sophias] are girls who will [stick] by your side no matter what. All men are lucky to have such a woman like this.

    Sophia meaning & definition 11 of Sophia.

  • Sophia is one-of-a-kind. She is by far the nicest person ive ever met and there is no one on this planet who could possibly be nicer. She is what every guy dreams for; Gorgeous, kind, caring, understanding and funny. There is not a single minute which goes by where I dont think about her. When [im with her], I have never been so happy and the moment shes gone is the moment [I miss her]. I know she is always there for me, no matter what the situation is and I hope she knows that im always there for her too. I will never stop loving her as she is [all I need] in life to be happy. The first time I saw her, I thought to myself how beautiful she was and that I didnt think I had a chance, but [I was wrong] I love staring in to her [dark eyes], they make me feel all warm inside. I love cuddling up to her as it makes me feel as though nothing could go wrong. She gives the nicest kisses imaginable and I would not change anything about her for anything. She is not only my girlfriend, but my bestfriend, and the relationship I have with her is perfect. She is the most perfect person imaginable. I love her [to bits] and I always will, I want to spend my life with her.

    Sophia meaning & definition 12 of Sophia.

  • [perfect].

    Sophia meaning & definition 13 of Sophia.

  • Sophia
    The coolest chick you will ever meet. She is some how exactly like Jess from New Girl. She sings all the time and loves music. She may be barely over 5 [ft] but she has a giant heart. She is a girl that once you [truley] notice her; you will want to be with her. She dances randomly and isnt afraid to be weird. She is always stands up for her friends even, the crazy ones. You will love to have fun [banter] with her. She is so nice and really pretty. She is [adorkable]!

    Sophia meaning & definition 14 of Sophia.

  • Sophia is a very smart and caring girl. She will always understand how you feel, no matter what. She seems weird until you get to know her. [Sophias] usually have green or brown eyes, and brown hair. Sophia loves math, and she likes to draw and paint. She is involved in lots of activities and rarely has time for other things. She practices martial arts and is in most of all the school clubs. She [loves to cook] and bake and will love you [until the day] you die. She can act [melodramatic], but dont take it seriously. Inside she is still rooting for you. She has all the looks and is very sexy and pretty. She is also [a good kisser]. Some people avoid her, but she doesnt care, because Sophia already has lots of fun with the people who DO befriend her. What a fantastic person, Sophia LOVES dogs, cats, horses, and pretty much all animals on the universe. She is a bitch sometimes, but she thinks its fun so go along with it. Sophia plays video games and is very tomboy- ish. Dont get Sophia mad, she wins all arguments. She is very caring though, and really good at understanding how others feel. Sophia is usually short, so youll have to bend over to kiss and hug her. Short and sweet.

    Sophia meaning & definition 15 of Sophia.

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