• other forms: spelunking, spelunked, spelunks(v), spelunker (n)

    v.;the exploration of natural caves
    v.;the exploration of a mans anus by either: A. himself, B. a female sex partner., or C. male sex partner.

    Spelunk meaning & definition 1 of Spelunk.

  • Exploration of bodily orifices.

    Spelunk meaning & definition 2 of Spelunk.

    1. Using your penis to explore a womans vagina, or cave.
    2. To ejaculate.

    Spelunk meaning & definition 3 of Spelunk.

  • (By analogy to exploring caves/other dark places)
    To engage in casual internet stalking, usually out of curiousity rather than for any sinister purpose.

    Spelunk meaning & definition 4 of Spelunk.

  • the act of getting farted on while giving someone anal...doesnt apply to homos

    Spelunk meaning & definition 5 of Spelunk.

  • To take a dump - the sound of your poo splashing into the toilet water.

    Spelunk meaning & definition 6 of Spelunk.

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