• A true artist, amazing writer, she is beautiful, smart, cute, funny and a great friend. She will always listen to those who are not heard and offer help where ever help is needed.
    She is patient, loving, soft-spoken and a true angel.

    Sabina meaning & definition 1 of Sabina.

  • Your first and last love, beautiful, caring, perfect style, drop-dead smile, good mom, funny, can be extremely sexy, very nice body, a really good kisser, very smart, cute, adorable, has the most precious but biggest heart, nicest person you will ever meet, responsible, a life changer and all the positive things you can possibly thing of.

    Sabina meaning & definition 2 of Sabina.

  • Bosnian bush wacker who brings people to their knees. One who hails from the country of Sukkalotadik.
    Beautiful, yet strong. Never stand in a Sabinas way, or she will kick your ass, especially if you have gathered multiple STDs by having sex with many girls (i.e. Kaylees, Karis, etc.) Stunningly gorgeous, boys fall to their knees as a Sabina walks by begging for her approval. Few actually gain her approval, and the rest are shunned as though theyre black and have AIDS.
    Never fuck with a Sabina.

    Sabina meaning & definition 3 of Sabina.

  • Sabina is a smart intelligent girl. She is the kindest girl you will ever meet And believe it or not she can kick some ass. Girls die to be her and guys die to have her. She a Great friend and you can always depend on her. She has a soft heart but hard as rock. Sabina is very goofy and loves to make people laugh . Shes a independent girl and will grow to be a smart and beautiful women.

    Sabina meaning & definition 4 of Sabina.

  • a stubborn haitian hay stacker who can direct a group of pubescent teens to do whatever she wants. she is protective at first, but once you get to know her shes chillnizzle. she is very accepting of others whether they are gay, straight, black, white...yellow...whatever! she loves them all. she has huge ass melons tied with a bush-like hairstyle and blasian face. shes also very charismatic.

    Sabina meaning & definition 5 of Sabina.

  • At first she will seem unique and funny, but you will realize that she is a girl who started to [whore] herself at a young age, around 12-13.

    A girl who tries to act deep, but is in fact the biggest joke around. She will label herself as [goth] or [emo] and will have a ridiculous hair style in which her stringy, limp, damaged hair is directly in front of her face, causing her to have horrible [acne].

    Sabinas lack personal and moral [hygiene].

    A very annoying habit of a Sabina is that when trying to appear intelligent, she will try to be poetic; aka, a [pretentious] asshole.

    Avoid a Sabina at all costs! She may seem special, unique kind, and even smart, but shes just like every whore out there. Same contents in a different package.

    Sabina meaning & definition 6 of Sabina.

  • a girl who is stunningly beautiful but is [self-conscious] about her beauty. She cares about what people think. She wants cute clothes and long thick hair. She [thinks that she] is not popular and is always trying to prove herself. She is very sweet to those who are sweet to her, she treats people how they treat her. She does not care about your problems but she is the best friend you could ever ask for. She is funny, goofy, very smart, and she can kick ass. If you know a [Sabina] you are one of the luckiest people in the world.

    Sabina meaning & definition 7 of Sabina.

  • [a fake friend] that thinks everything is about her.
    and also cant keep [secret] and talks [crap] about her friends

    Sabina meaning & definition 8 of Sabina.

  • A [disgusting] [entity] [of life] that craves a boy called life. its a sad life i know.

    Sabina meaning & definition 9 of Sabina.

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