• a long period of history, or the offsetting thereof... Good Lord, all of your definitions are so amiss!!!

    Epoch meaning & definition 1 of Epoch.

  • A furry cute creature mostly known to magical people.

    Epoch meaning & definition 2 of Epoch.

  • Epoch, or alternatively Gaypoch is a descriptive term for a type of person.
    A person can be known as an Epoch if they meet any or all of these descriptions:
    Name themself after a character from The Matrix, insist they had the name before the movie was made.
    Script kiddie who upon finally learning one or more programming languages will promptly forget they used to steal other peoples work and claim it as their own.
    E-threatens people with e-attacks to get e-power and e-friends to impress the e-ladies. Epicly fails to obtain the e-power they e-threatened for, claims e-victory regardless of result as admitting e-defeat would surely prompt them to immediately become [An Hero].
    Says mufufufufufufufu in an attempt to appear to have a unique evil laugh. Only manages to sound as if they are trying to talk around something that is being repeatedly inserted into their mouth.
    Is easily fooled into trusting you through simple methods of social engineering, upon learning of their own gullibility insists that you are a nark, and didnt actually mind rape them.
    Works in low ranking position in fast food restaurant, insists they are still superior because they are e-making something of their e-self.
    Confuses people who are only around to keep an eye on them, as being e-friends.
    Is quite enthusiastic about growing the rare agricultural specimen commonly known as the [Faggot Tree].
    Proposes making a hacker coven and naming the members the reapers despite being in their mid 20s, by which point they should have grown out of the faggoth emo-nihilist attitude.
    Fantasizes about get rich quick schemes involving google advertisements and automated proxy bots, as they know they will only ever obtain true success if they steal it.
    Upon hearing of their being defined on UrbanDictionary, an Epoch will take the time to re-define themselves as awesome, but will undoubtedly still insist they do not care what people say about them.
    Is quite likely to become [An Hero] should they be deprived of their e-life for more than a few days.
    Will one day obtain an [EncyclopediaDramatica] entry, but only after becoming [An Hero], or writing it themself.
    Can be seen carrying on 12 minute monologues on IRC, which generally consist of ego masturbation, because they are unable to find another Epoch to talk to. A prime example of such one sided conversations can be seen below (Names changed to protect the innocent):

    Epoch meaning & definition 3 of Epoch.

  • Epoch means totally rad. Derived from me being a completely awesome dude.

    Epoch meaning & definition 4 of Epoch.

  • noun (count) - the perplex motion caused by jerking your hand up and down on you cock or the cock of a friend. [masturbator] - [cock lover] - [jerk off king]

    Epoch meaning & definition 5 of Epoch.

  • The Epoch Time Management solution increases ease, accuracy, and completeness of recording and tracking time on any device. A software product by Fulcrum Global

    Epoch meaning & definition 6 of Epoch.

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