• One placed to superintend others; an overseer; an

    Surveyor meaning & definition 1 of Surveyor.

  • 1.A god like person that is infinitely more cunning than an engineer but unlike engineers actually have devoloped the socal skills of an A list celib.
    2.A typical [Surveyor] uses all manner of cool robotic instruments, laser scanners, eletronic measuring devices, high end computer programs and a beat up old 4WD.

    A Typical Surveyor is better than a mans best friend makes females go weak at the knees and wet at the crotch just by being in their presence and still has time to go to the pub after work.

    Famous Surveyors in history are GOD, [McGuyver], Mr T, Chuck Norris, The Loch Ness Monster, Einstein, JFK, [Malcom X], Snoopy, James Bond, all Ninjas, [Mr Miyagi], Thomas [Eddison], [The Hoff].

    The average [surveyor] is able to bring the real world into the office of the timid [cartographer] by all manner of observations and exact measurements and can easily take the rambling designs of a fat-arsed but exciteable engineer and put them into the real world (or not, if they are complete shit).

    The Surveyor is often the target for the jealousy of others due to feelings of inadequacy (usually in the pants). Due to this Surveyors will often work in teams, where each will watch the others back like a highly trained quasi-military unit. In this case the term Team Survey can be applied.

    Surveyor meaning & definition 2 of Surveyor.

  • Surveyors are supposed to be reasonably intelligent people capable of using equipment to gather survey data (elevation, coordinates, etc.) for a specified area. In reality, theyre the idiots who couldnt pass their engineering classes but didnt want to be English majors. They can take the most advanced surveying equipment that uses data from up to a dozen satellites at once and somehow can still end up with data that is 20 feet off and 100 feet [below sea level]. Also cannot tell the difference between a fire hydrant and a sidewalk or a building and a chain-link fence when it comes time to label their borderline unusable data. They, along with architects, are the bane of every [civil engineer] and CAD [drafters] existence.
    See also: Idiot, Moron, Fucktard

    Surveyor meaning & definition 3 of Surveyor.

  • He/she who surveys and quantifies materials and labor on [civil engineering] and [construction] [contracts].

    Surveyor meaning & definition 4 of Surveyor.

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