• (n) (1) A person who doubts the sincerity of motives.
    (2) A word commonly misdefined by pessimists who think they are cynics.

    Cynic meaning & definition 1 of Cynic.

  • Someone who genuinely doubts a persons true motives.
    -If a hobo asks a cynic for money, the cynic would just ignore him, convinced that the hobo doesnt really want money to get back on his feet, but to get some drugs which were the reason for him being homeless in the first place.
    -A cynic is the guy who never had a girlfriend until he was in college, because it didnt take long for him to realize that High School relationships never last the better part of two weeks. He also sometimes feels like the only person in his school to notice this, and probably is.
    -If you read a romantic poem to a cynic about the beauty of trees, the cynic would just stare at you and say something to the effect of Birds and Squirrels fuck in them, and they make big noises when cut down to build yet another highway. Otherwise nice poem (b-_-)b.
    -A Cynic is usually someone with above-average awareness, especially if they develop such views at an early age. Being a Cynic through Junior High and High School can save you a LOT of hurt, since you will definetly be able to talk your way out of anything. No arguement can beat cold hard facts, which are what cynics thrive for.
    -Cynics are not neccesarily pessimists, and while they do generally have low expectations, they dont blow minor problems out of proportion, since they really dont care in the first place.

    Cynic meaning & definition 2 of Cynic.

  • One who doesnt believe in innate human virtue. Cynicism, contrary to popular belief, does not entail being an offensive and ignorant idiot. Only the offensive part, because most people dont like how cynics criticise them and would rather live happily ever after in the magical world of pixies and gumdrops and rainbows and unicorns. Sadly, that view on cynicism has caused a lot of people to regard the philosophy in a negative way.

    Cynic meaning & definition 3 of Cynic.

  • A person who boldly tells it like it is. A person who sees the world without a blindfold covering the eyes.

    Cynic meaning & definition 4 of Cynic.

  • An idealist whose rose-colored glasses have been removed, snapped in two and stomped into the ground, immediately improving his vision.

    Cynic meaning & definition 5 of Cynic.

  • A cynic is a typically jaundiced person who has the rare ability to be able to see through common belief and see the truth and faults in todays society. Cynics are non-believers and do not conform, and have no interest whatsoever, in conforming to everyday society.
    Cynics are usually disliked for their jaded and negative views on the way the world runs, and often beleive that the world runs according to selfishness and is driven my greed and money.

    Cynic meaning & definition 6 of Cynic.

  • Inside Every Cynic is a disappointed [idealist]
    ~George Carlin

    Cynic meaning & definition 7 of Cynic.

  • Someone who looks at the world without the blindfold of modern day society. Cynics look at the world like a critic, always judging it. They arent afraid to speak their minds and give the facts without embelishing them.

    Cynic meaning & definition 8 of Cynic.

  • The type of people [posting] their definitions of [the word] [relationship].

    Cynic meaning & definition 9 of Cynic.

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