• An exclamation used by hunters, fishers and other country folk when just about anything happens. Its used under any circumstances usually with the phrase live action added in before. Hunters will occasionally raise their guns in the air to exclaim a yee yee.
    (Yee may be repeated more than twice if appropriate.)

    Yee yee meaning & definition 1 of Yee yee.

  • (V) (N) (ADJ.) A term used to express pure excitement and happiness. Normally puts a smile on others faces. Also a term that gets the party going!

    Yee yee meaning & definition 2 of Yee yee.

  • The term douche bag guys who think they are country use. Often they think they are country. Favorite country singer is Earl Dibbles Jr.

    Yee yee meaning & definition 3 of Yee yee.

  • A word used by wannabe redneck douchebags who are a little bit too excited by the size of their trucks and boots and need them to cover their insanely small egos and penises.

    Yee yee meaning & definition 4 of Yee yee.

  • Hell yeah!

    Yee yee meaning & definition 5 of Yee yee.

  • @Little_Girl agreed, 52 years old, raised hunting, fishing on 112 acres, weyerhauser land and abandoned homesteads all around. Never said yee yee.

    Yee yee meaning & definition 6 of Yee yee.

  • What [rednecks] [use] when there [exited]

    Yee yee meaning & definition 7 of Yee yee.

  • [Yee Yee] - expression; a phrase used most commonly by people from the south when partaking in anything redneck; Yee Yee is freulently used while [mudding], fishing, [hog hunting], packing a phat ass lip or anything extremely southern.

    Yee yee meaning & definition 8 of Yee yee.

  • [Code] people use [to let] other people know they fuck their [cousin] too

    Yee yee meaning & definition 9 of Yee yee.

  • Its [Something real] red necks say and [wanna bes]. Its like a subsatute for a [rebel yell] Wich was first heard during the civil war and was bad ass ;basicly a war cry but you say it to much its gay

    Yee yee meaning & definition 10 of Yee yee.

  • Yee Yee is when you wake up, puts a good dips in, cracks [a cold one], climb [the windmill], rattle for bucks, shoot the gun, fish for bass (and cats), fix the tree, rope stuff... [whittle] a good stick!

    Yee yee meaning & definition 11 of Yee yee.

  • Yee yee is the term used when a [southerner] is excited. Can be used as a war cry. These are the kind of people you want in your group do to the fact that they will [risk it all] for the fun of the party or to protect those who need it.
    [So Yee] Yee Live on rednecks.

    Yee yee meaning & definition 12 of Yee yee.

  • The meaning of yee yee is to express joy or appreciation, usually in a friendly and positive manner. It is often used in casual conversation or when meeting new people. Yee yee can also be used as a way to introduce oneself or others, and is often accompanied by a cheerful smile.

    Yee yee meaning & definition 13 of Yee yee.

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