• A Gypsy or Traveller.

    Pikey meaning & definition 1 of Pikey.

  • A pejorative term for a breed of [persona non grata] gypsy; politically correct term - Irish Traveller.
    These people are societys dregs, hated by decent folk either side of the Irish Sea. The Irish hate them so much theyve legislated them out of the country; the British (the righteous, hand-wringing element) have welcomed and rewarded them. Convoys of Pikeys often squat illegally on private or public land. When they eventually decide to leave, they leave a myriad of human and domestic waste left for nature (us) to reclaim.
    Commonly found in a Mitsubishi or Ford Transit, towing a caravan or living in council houses [to sponge] legitimately. The Pikey is characterised by the accents that they speak with; think of an Irishman speaking very fast with no teeth and youre pretty much there.
    Their youth are [foul mouthed] and feral, their women are tastelessly [overdressed] human carrier bags for Pikey sperm and the Pikey male is living proof that the evolutionary map missed a stage from ape to man. Occupations include, theft, [scrap metal] dealing (see: theft), fighting (see: drinking), drinking (see: fighting) and tax dodging.
    The above definition has been comprised through research, observations and personal encounters with these vermin. I no doubt suspect that this will be voted down by the bleeding heart, [Hollyoaks] demographic that have watched both seasons of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and feel themselves adept at all things Pikey. Either that, or youre a Pikey yourself.

    Pikey meaning & definition 2 of Pikey.

  • [Pikeys] in their truest form are a people that roam the land (Britain) in moderate to large numbers looking for appropriatley sized open spaces to park their trailers and set up a temporary home, usually on [private property] but occassionally on land leased/sold to them by land owners or allocated to them by councils (local government in Britain).
    When the temporary encampment is set up, you will notice their presence immediately because of the eye sore that is fifty to several hundred [mobile homes], trailers, vans and cars taking up space that was previously devoid of anything.
    Once set up, [pikeys] are notoriously difficult to move on, often claiming persecution/discrimination/ownership of land when asked to move on, when in fact
    it is their abuse of local resources and amenities (schools, shops, pubs) that leads to their being asked to leave.
    Once moved, the land they previously inhabited for anything up to several years will be completely unusable by anyone until renovation is undertaken by local council or land developer, as pits dug in to the ground and used as latrines are common along with large piles of massively unhygeinic rubbish and/or several (possibly stolen) cars or vans now no longer needed in their [endeavours] to completely fuck up anything in sight will be left behind as [testimony] to their parasitic nature.
    Pikeys are closely linked to, but not be confused with [traveller] and gypsy.

    Pikey meaning & definition 3 of Pikey.

  • (1) A slang term for a Gypsy/Townie/[Wanderer]. Usually used in a derogatory way.
    See; Gypsy and Bum
    (2)A Rare and [Reclusive] Creature is Pikey.
    This ½ Mexican, ½ Caucasian males brain is nearly completely destroyed after years of heavy drinking, and [drug abuse].
    Also goes by the names of Mike, Michael, and That Guy.
    Identifiable Traits;
    -Talks from the side of his mouth
    -Almost always wears completely or nearly completely black clothing
    -wears a (black of course) fitted baseball cap

    Pikey meaning & definition 4 of Pikey.

  • The thick [lad] off [Dads] [Army].

    Pikey meaning & definition 5 of Pikey.

  • Pikey is a racist abusive word used by the non travelling/non gypsies to abuse and discriminate against the travelling and gypsy families.
    They earn their income by [hard labour] and earn money honestly and like every one is the world, you do have a few that will steal. I can honestly say as a gypsy woman we are not rough or thieves. We are [innocent human] beings that deserve respect and care. We earn are money by doing [hard earned] work. We do not steal and we never look bad and we are not abusive or threatening to anyone.
    We are respectable human beings that deserve a right to live in the United Kingdom, Ireland etc .

    Pikey meaning & definition 6 of Pikey.

  • To steal something, or [borrow without asking], ususally quite innocently
    To be said in a [joking] or [innocent] manner
    Derived from the insult/nickname: Pikey

    Pikey meaning & definition 7 of Pikey.

  • Some say that the word pikey isnt a racist word. In travellers eyes it is. Being [a traveller] myself I know that pikey means someone who is dirty, doesnt wash, doesnt know how to clean and is just in general a disgusting person. Not everyone in the travelling community is a pikey. Other known words are [gypo] [tinkers]

    Pikey meaning & definition 8 of Pikey.

  • an insulting word for a gypsy

    Pikey meaning & definition 9 of Pikey.

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