• Probably one of the most misunderstood religions around. Most non-Catholics think of [the Crusades], corruption, and [sexual abuse] when they think of the [Catholic Church]. But, with such a large organization, this is all bound to happen.
    Besides, this isnt what being Catholic is about at all. Being a Catholic is about loving Jesus and loving eachother.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 1 of Catholicism.

  • The faith, practice, and church order of the Roman Catholic Church.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 2 of Catholicism.

  • A Christian sect, the spiritual center of which is in [Vatican City] and which believes the Pope to be the earthly successor of [St. Peter]. Its notable for its intricate Masses, [veneration] of Mary and the saints, and for the controversy it stirs up.
    It does seem to breed an equal amount of wild-eyed fanaticism and virulent hatred, both of which are a source of mixed amusement and embarrassment for ordinary, run-of-the-mill Catholics like me.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 3 of Catholicism.

  • The strongest and oldest belief in God and Jesus. In Catholicism, The Virgin Mary has a more prominent role of the faith. It is commonly believed by those with little understanding of the religion, that it is the most inclined to be stereotypical and bigoted against all who dont follow the bible. This is not the case, as the main [culprits] of said acts are the [Mormons], and the [Evangelicals]. They are the ones who hold anti-gay [rallys] and such, the Catholic faith, while not supporting Gay marriage, will not speak up and say that all homosexuals are going to Hell. Catholics are actually much more lenient when it comes to what automatically condemns you to Hell. The main aspects of a Catholic church, at least the Roman ones, are masses given in Latin, [Bishops] in the church, and an altar with grails, a small chest, and a statue of Jesus on the cross above the altar. Most also have [stained glass] windows depicting scenes from the bible.
    For awhile Catholicism gained negative press when many Priests were accused of molesting the boys of their respective churches. Though in comparison to the rest of the Catholic community, the amount of perpetrators was small. The Vatican itself stated that the act was a direct violation of the sixth commandment, and was considered [a grave sin]. Since those times Catholicism has been left alone somewhat, but people still remain ignorant to this day.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 4 of Catholicism.

  • The earliest mass forming of Christians into one religion, known as the Catholic Church, latin meaning Unity or Unified church. Until the [1500s], was the only large-scale Christian Church. Notorious for its harsh defense of original Christian doctrines of salvation and related issues. Also by far the largest Christian organization. Follows the Pope, who is the successor of the apostle Peter to whom Christ gave ...the [keys to the kingdom] of heaven. The infallibility (not be confused with impeccability, the pope is a man, not a perfect man) is attributed to the ability of the Pope to be able to make [infallible] statements on the doctrine of faith. When this occurs, the Pope will let it be known that the statement is infallible.
    Catholicism is based on the written and oral teachings of Christ and his Apostles. They also use the original bible, in contrast to Protestants who use and create their beliefs according to new interpretations of the slimmed-down version of the bible created by [Martin Luther] in order to support his own beliefs.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 5 of Catholicism.

  • The first [Christian religion], before those pesky infidels broke off and formed the innumerable Protestant [sects]. The belief that [the virgin Mary] is the mother of God, and that the souls of the dead must go through Purgatory to cleanse their souls before going to Heaven.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 6 of Catholicism.

  • A vastly misundertood religion, that has been publicly humiliated and [intensionally] corrupted since its beginnings, in an attempt to [sifle] and
    silence Christs true teachings and meanings. Through media slandering and widespread misinformation and documented insurgencies into the priesthood, they have succeeded in much of The Churchs crippling. Protestants, feel somehow [vindicated] in the fact that they use a bastardized version of THE holy bible.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 7 of Catholicism.

  • [A religion] with a pyramidal power structure, based on the teachings of a man who actively spoke out against abuse of power in [organized] [religions].

    Catholicism meaning & definition 8 of Catholicism.

  • One of the most oppressive and dark forms of Christianity. The [Catholic church] is based on material items. The average Catholic is arrogant and [spiteful] of other denominations of their own religion. The beliefs of [Catholocism] surround the myth that the Pope is closer to God than the average person.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 9 of Catholicism.

  • If you have a different religion and you dont want to sin, good luck getting rid of any you already have. Basically, Catholicism is a religion where you CAN murder, steal, lie, and break all the rules, and then be [forgiven].

    Thats because..


    Catholicism meaning & definition 10 of Catholicism.

  • The church which sprang up in Rome during the time of Christ but not [ordained] by him.
    In the 1300-1600s anyone who was not Catholic was murdered by these Godly people. Yup. Torture chambers, iron maidens, thumbscrews, anal pears, the whole bit. Not to mention beheading and [burning at the stake].
    The catholics DID NOT however, persecute atheists (surprise?)
    Protestant religions, despite getting whacked out of existence as soon as the Catholics found out of their being, finally managed to prosper in the [1600s] and eventually found their way to America. Then the Catholics showed up... chop chop
    The Catholics also support homosexual activities. A live as you please and then confess lifestyle and such. You can sin all you want and confessing will make it legit.
    When monks/priests and other [laymen] take a vow of celebacy, it is only in regards to women, children/young boys are not off limits.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 11 of Catholicism.

  • A very ancient [Marian] cult, very exclusive in their teachings about salvation, preaching that salvation is only possible through them and their leader [the pope]. This group takes decidedly anti-Biblical stands regarding the infalliablity of their leaders, their ability to forgive sins and their interpretation of Biblical topics.
    Responsible for the death of millions of Christians and Jews, and making a strong push for world religious (political?) dominance through its [ecumenical] movement. Its [vow] is that it never changes, and its rise to emminence will bring about the same behaviour as we have seen in the past.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 12 of Catholicism.

  • A continuation of ancient [Roman paganism], except that [the Caesar] is called the Pope, the headquarters were renamed the Vatican, the gods were renamed to Saints, the mother of Jupiter was replaced by Mary [mother of God], and the nuns no longer have wild sex orgies followed by human sacrifice. However, the priests are still called priests, and the ancient Roman tradition of sodomizing boys is still carried on to this day.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 13 of Catholicism.

  • im gonna sound really bad when i say this, but i will say what i must. Though the catholic church is amongst the oldest forms of christian belief, it is also the most tainted and dark form. Not the Orthodox catholic, but [the roman catholic] (sorry!). It was because of [the Roman Catholic] church, that thousands of Native American tribes went extinct. It also lead to the enslavement of blacks and the colonization of the Orient. Soon, the will to spread the word of God became malevolent will and [avarice]. Also, the Roman Catholic church praises the pope as Gods interpreter, no man can choose for the world the meaning of the scripitures, no matter how pure he is...

    Catholicism meaning & definition 14 of Catholicism.

  • Is the word [Capitalism] as heard when speaking with the [flesh] of the [savior] in your mouth.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 15 of Catholicism.

  • A [sect] of [Christianity] [based on] the teachings of Cathol.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 16 of Catholicism.

  • Catholicism

    The faith of boring people [weekly] on [sundays] way to fucking early in the morning and if you don’t feel [dead inside] when you are part of this faith then it isn’t working.

    Catholicism meaning & definition 17 of Catholicism.

  • the beliefs and activities of the Roman Catholic Church:

    Catholicism meaning & definition 18 of Catholicism.

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