• A developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour.

    Autism meaning & definition 1 of Autism.

  • A [condition] [no one] [actually] understands.

    Autism meaning & definition 2 of Autism.

  • Autism is a disorder which is when ones brain is formed differently, making it difficult to understand [social cues]. People with Autism usually are born with weak fine [motor skills] and bad social skills, making it hard for them to [socialize] with others.

    It is NOT an insult used to call people idiots.

    Autism meaning & definition 3 of Autism.

  • A nurological disorder where people develop [social skills] at a unusually slow pace. [Autism] is not a disease, and it has a extreamly large range of symptoms and severity. Every case is different. Do not criticize or insult [autism] people because of their autism; first, it’s just plain mean, second, it will not help their social development speed, finally, its part of their identity, respect it.

    I am a [autistic] teenager, I posted this so people would stop calling me and my friends [disabled] autistics. It’s not okay. I am proud of my identity, including my autism, people should understand that me, along with most other autistic people I know, that all parts of identity should be respected, even autism.

    Autism meaning & definition 4 of Autism.

  • A disorder that can affect development of [motor skills] and affects communication. It also affects the nervous system. Some symptoms include obsessive interests, [repetitive] behavior, speech [delay], and poor eye contact.

    It is NOT an insult.

    Autism meaning & definition 5 of Autism.

  • Something that [everyone on the internet] loves to [make fun of] despite [not knowing] anything about it. Like, at all.

    Autism meaning & definition 6 of Autism.

  • [A broad] range of complex neurodevelopmental disabilities marked by such symptoms as severe deficits in social interaction and communication, [restricted] and strong interests and inflexibility (love of [routine]).

    Autism meaning & definition 7 of Autism.

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